Waitetuna School has started a mindfulness programme that is already showing exciting results.
Research has shown that mindfulness can provide the following results:
• Improves focus and attention for better learning outcomes • Increases calm and student wellbeing • Enhances self-awareness and pro-social behaviour • Reduces test anxiety and boosts resilience

Mindfulness aligns with the NZ education curriculum:
Key Competencies: Mindfulness brings an experiential element to learning which foster the key competencies of the NZC as outlined below
Learning Areas: The Health and Physical Education, Social Sciences and Science learning areas are clearly linked with each lesson of Pause, Breathe, Smile
Te Whare Tapa Wha: An eloquent model of hauora (holistic wellbeing) from a Māori perspective is incorporated within Pause, Breathe, Smile.
Alongside Mindfulness the Junior Room has been practicing daily yoga.
Visiting sports experts have observed distinctive improvements in the students balance and co- ordination. This shows how beneficial the programme can be for our students.
The children look forward to the sessions and some have even arrived at school early and independently started practicing in the classroom.

"When we are mindful we have an enhanced ability to appreciate life's beauty, and to respond to life's challenges in considered rather than reactive ways.This state of well-being results from the balance of body and mind in accord with the world around us. The calmness and clarity that result from practising mindfulness provide an important foundation for learning while fostering social and emotional well-being". - Mindfulness Education Group