Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanau,
We continue to ‘Keep Calm and Carry on’ in uncertain times. It was great to be able to have Swimming events for the students who are at school. I know there were a few disappointed children who couldn’t make it because they are recovering from Covid or isolating so we look forward to their return. There is a Facebook stream available if your child participated and you were not able to make it down to school. As we continue to work around this virus please note we are able to support families in many ways so as always please let us know if you need anything. Please also note the change to the isolation period—down to 7 days if feeling well and returning a negative test on day 7.
We continue to be able to keep the school operating cur-rently where as many schools are having to close for a peri-od of time. Even though it is an unknown we will continue to see what happens week by week and plan accordingly.
Principal’s Update
We have 14 cases of Covid at our school—all at varying stages of isolation. We will no longer be reporting individu-al cases to the community. I will give you a weekly update in each newsletter. Thank you for your kind words of encouragement and continued support as we navigate this. Raglan Naturally is supporting Neighbours Day which is coming up soon from 18-27th March. It is timely to support Neighbours Day this year It's a simple initiative and we feel it could be a positive and fun thing to do during this time. There will be a few prizes to go to those who share what they do for Neighbours Day. I would also like to extend a warm welcome to Sally Ridley who has joined our School Board.
Ngaa mihi, Amanda and Staff
All The Happenings
TRYathlon - Likely postponed until 31st March TBC
11am—in year groups - Please note times—7mins for bike and run and 10 min swim for Seniors
5min bike, 5min run and 10 min swim for Middle Room
5min bike, run, swim for Junior Room
Year 7 and 8—11.00
Year 5 and 6—11.20
Year 3 and 4—11.40
Year 1 and 2—12.00
There will hopefully be a live stream trophy presentation - Trophies presented for Effort on the day/Two people who did their best acknowledged in each year level.
Other Dates
Senior Room Surf Day with Greenwave Surfing—21st March—Senior Room
Karioi Project——working with all classes—24th March
Waikato Institute of Sport—Looking to Lead—25th March—working with our Year 8’s.
School Photos - 29th March
Waitetuna Way
Well done to Lila Cursons and Ned Quinn for Determination. Setting your own goals and striving to achieve them!