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Newsletter - Week 1, Term 2

Writer: AmandaAmanda

I would like to welcome everyone back for Term 2. There are certainly plenty of events being planned to develop our wonderful group of learners - lifelong learning skills, dispositions, passions and active citizens of our community.

Citizenship continues as our term 2 focus with an in-depth look into science, from kitchen

chemistry to Jean Batten's flight expeditions to magnetism and electricity. And here is some

science learning already in action - Forces, Motion in the middle room.

Here is Blake and Ned making their Zipline and Emma and Audrey getting theirs ready for

take off!

It was great to see many families join our Waitetuna school group to march

for ANZAC day commemorations in Raglan. Ngaa mihi nui to you. The great

news is that Waitetuna School won the wreath competition too. Well done

to Whaea Ali and the Senior room who made the winning wreath. Thanks to the RSA

for the $300 winning prize, which will be put to good use for resources.

Good Luck – I am aware that many students have begun their winter sport season. Practices are starting and some competitions are kicking off. It’s a huge commitment for not only our children, but also families! Good luck, enjoy and show awesome sportsmanship.

Our school assemblies – Our school assemblies are an absolute highlight for me. Each class has showcased the wonderful and holistic learning programmes in place. Assemblies also highlight how students develop confidence and become comfortable presenting/talking in front of our school.

Living Curriculum journey with Ngaa Uri O Maahanga - we started this learning by developing our Tiriti o Waitangi understandings around the Tiriti principles of participation, protection and partnership with Lisa Rapana in term 1. We are partnering with the combined marae trust to protect living landscapes, our living people and

living stories. Lisa is joining for three days early this term and our Kuia will be joining us when she can. In addition we look forward to our staff only day on 17th May to continue this exciting journey.

We are delighted to have some of the tangata whenua come and start kapa haka with us this week. It was a wonderful session.

Staff Only Day- last day of Term 1

On the last day of Term 1 all staff came together and looked at wellbeing. We know how important this is and particularly now that Covid is here. Staff had a chance

to be introduced to or to revisit the Te Whare Tapa Wha model of well being introduced by Durie and then looked closely at ways to support our wellbeing as a staff and in turn support students wellbeing.

Raglan Art to Wear

Lots of the students have opted into this event and are creating amazing costumes. Lock in this date!

Waitetuna Way this week goes to - Middle room Being creative in your learning and with your friends socially and in play.

Dates for Term 2 - so far!

  • Assemblies are 7 May (week 1), 14 May (week 2), 28 May (week 4), 11 June (week 6), 25 June (week 8).

  • Staff Only Day - 17 May

  • Kids Lit Quiz - 19 May

  • Science Roadshow - Senior Room - 20 May

  • Junior Football Tournament - Year 1-4 - 21 May

  • Pink Shirt Day - 21 May

  • Te Uku Wind Farm 10 year anniversary - Senior room to attend - 3 June

  • BOT Meetings - 18 May and 15 June - 5.30pm

  • National Young Leaders Day - Year 7 and 8 students - 16 June

  • Waikato Museum trip - whole school - 17 June

  • Tough Guy/Gal challenge - 24 June

  • Staff Only Day - 28 June

  • Ki-o-rahi tournament - 2 July

These dates are on our Skool Loop calendar and our school website calendar. We do our utmost to ensure these are up-to-date.

Please note that our school and Western Cluster cross country is in term 3 to coincide with the Waikato Full Primary event.

Structured Reading - Robyn and myself attended another workshop in the holidays on structured reading. Sequencing was an important concept presented through the day. You can help your child at home with this by getting your children to describe instructions for everything from cleaning your teeth, to putting their jacket on. This increases vocabulary and the understanding of all the steps within a process no matter how simple the

action is.

I could not finish this newsletter without acknowledging mums! I am the first to say I have the best mum. She is my unwavering supporter. Mums juggle multiple demands. So shout out to you all! Take a moment to celebrate what you have achieved no matter how small. Hug your kids. My sons will bring me a coffee in bed (train them early) and say they love me and what a wonderful gift that will be. Be kind to yourselves and not just on Sunday!

Ngaa mihi nui,

Amanda and staff



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