Principal’s Update
Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanau, it is great to be back for term 2. We have another fantastic term awaiting us. Alongside our core learning in Literacy and Numeracy, our learners will be diving into ‘The Arts. Lots of thought and planning has gone into putting together a local Production with help from Lisa Rapana and the students are very excited about this. The teachers and students continue to add to a fun script. The students are already learning their lines and waiata for their class segments. The Production performance will be held at Te Uku Hall in the evening of Wed 3rd July, starting at 6.30pm so make sure you keep this date free. Children will need to be at the hall at 5.30pm. More information to come.
Anzac—at the end of last term all of the students completed various activities to learn about the Anzacs. Some examples of the poetry and art are on page 2. They also made stew with corned beef, anzac biscuits and made a wreath to present at the ANZAC day parade. Thanks to Matua Travis for marching in the parade with the students who could attend. Well done to the following students for their placings in the Anzac writing competition. First place for his poem—Toby Marquand, 1st equal in the year 6 section Ella and Joel, and Ned for highly commended. There is a wonderful range of their art and other work for this displayed in the multipurpose room. Pop in and have a look the next time you are in. Lest we forget.
I have spent time analysing our school term 1 attendance data and am pleased to say there is an improvement on term 1 last year. It is great to see our kids here every day. Keep up the great work. We had nearly reached the expectation of 70% of our school present for more than 90% of term 1. However, the new government has now raised this number to 80% of our school attending 90% or more. We have to be very well in term 2 so everyone can be at school. With over two-thirds of the school attending 90% or more, Ben, Charlie M, Jude, Senna, Penny, Jackson, Bella, Anya, Brooke, Blake, Camille have special mentions as they attended 97% of the time or more.
Students are telling me that the new playground is lots of fun. We are delighted with the finished product and a huge thanks to our School PTA, Gallagher and Trust Waikato for their contributions. Thanks to Tiaki and Tǎwhai for leading our school in a blessing of the playground.
We can have nuts in lunch boxes at school now.
Power cut—please note the power cut is at a different time now so school we can remain open on Friday afternoon. Have a great weekend. Ngaa mihi Amanda and staff
All The Happenings
Outdoor Ed day for Senior Room students—8th May
American Hotdogs—Friday 10th May
PTA meeting—Mon 13th May—7.30pm
Pink Shirt day—17th May
Junior Football tournament –17th May
Wheels Week—starting 20th May—weather dependent TBC
Board Meeting—21st May—5.30pm
Teacher Only Day—27th May
National Young Leaders day—29th May—year 7 and 8s
Kings Birthday—3rd June
Book Week including Book Fair and Booknic—starting 10th June
Assembly—14th June– 2.15pm
School Photos—17th June
Science Roadshow—Tues 18th June—10am till lunchtime—Senior Room
Tough Guy/Gal—Wed 19th June
Ki-o-rahi tournament—Fri 21st June
Matariki Public holiday—28th June and Matariki—School shared kai—date TBC
Wednesday July 3rd—evening performance—Whole School Production
Last day of term 2—5th July TOD—term 3—Monday 19th Aug/
TOD—term 4– Fri 15th Nov
PTA AGM—Monday 13th May— 7.30pm Zoom option available
Waitetuna Way
Well done to Joel and Jethro
Think before you speak (Is it kind, is it nice, is it necessary?)
Manage yourself appropriately in both formal and informal situations
Being adaptable when our plans change
Together we are growing the seeds of success
Na too manaaki, na tooku manaaki, ka puawai mai nga kaakano