Kia ora Waitetuna whanau, I hope you all enjoyed the two week break from the school routine and had the opportunity to grab some special family time. It has been a positive, productive start to the new term. It is great to be back! The kids were rested and ready to go for the term. Today you will receive your child's mid year report, this is sharing where your child is in relation to the New Zealand Curriculum. The staff and I worked on a new look reporting format which summarises their learning in Reading, Writing and Maths. This report outlines the frequency children display the school values in our school setting and a general comment which discusses the Key Competencies of Thinking, and shares the many successes of the year to date. This report format includes what the Ministry of Education expects to see in reporting to parents - clear, accurate reporting which is easy to understand. For our core focus this term, we will continue with Water Learning.
Matariki celebration - it was great to gather together at the end of term 2 for Matariki. It is also now a wonderful time for children to reflect on their learning and where they have come and where they need to go next. Your child and their teacher will share these ideas with you at their learning conference. The learning conference time slot request forms have gone home.
Waitetuna Way awards this week go to - Milena Goudie-Higgins and Samara Goudie-Higgins - for the great way you stepped up and showed great role modelling and leadership with our Enviro projects. A
After School care - extending our after school care to include Thursday and Friday has worked well and we will continue to offer this service. We have updated our prices to include the after school care for over the five days a week, as pricing was only set for 3 days. The new pricing is as follows. This is very reasonably priced for two children compared to other providers. These prices will come into effect from Tuesday 18th August.

Reports home - Friday - week 1, term 3
Teacher only day - Monday 17th August
Rippa rugby inter school - 7th August
School Cross country - Thursday 3rd September - please note change of date due to inter-school
Netball inter school tournament - 5th September
Ag Day 2020 - Reminder - The term 4 dates are as follows:
Waitetuna School Ag day - Friday 16th October
Group Day(at Te Mata School) - Friday 23rd October
Waikato Show - Thursday 29th October
Assemblies this term are week 1(24 July), Week 2 (31 July), Week 5(21 July), Week 6(28 August) and Week 9 (18th September).
Please make sure your children are not bringing their toys from home to school. This only causes anxiety if a precious toy gets lost or broken. Waitetuna school holds no responsibility for toys that are brought to school.
Learning Conferences - Week 3 - Term 3 - Early finish on Tuesday/Wednesday - 4th/5th August - school will close at 2pm to allow a break for staff and sufficient time for learning conferences. I will provide supervision if you are unable to pick up your child early these two days.
Covid updates - under level 1 New cases of COVID-19 continue to be identified at the border as New Zealanders return home.
While unlikely at Alert Level 1, if there was a confirmed or probable case linked with your school or early learning service, you would be advised of that by the Medical Officer of Health or your local public health authority (or local Ministry of Education staff working in conjunction with local health authorities).
People who need to stay away are those who are:
● Unwell
● Self-isolating (at the request of health authorities)
● Waiting for COVID test results Will continue to advise if anything changes in relation to Covid.
Stay well. Have a wonderful weekend. Kia kaha, Amanda Nasilasila and staff