Principal’s Update
Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanau, everyone has returned to school it appears, refreshed from a break and excited about term 4. Term four is 9 weeks and is packed. In terms of learning, assessment, reporting and fun, it has it all!
Middle Room teacher appointment 2023 update
Robyn and I have been interviewing for the Middle Room position. As I have mentioned Brenda and Lisa will be finishing at the end of this term. We have appreciated them being able to provide cover during this unprecedented teacher shortage and the support they have provided the students. As soon as the appointment is made we will be letting you know.
Ag Day 2022
What a wonderful morning we had on Tuesday to celebrate our school Agricultural day. Even though our numbers of animals entered were down we still got to see everything in action about Ag Day that makes it special. Watching students compete in the ‘Leading’, ‘Most Obvious Pet’ and ‘Rearing categories allows students to have a real connection and affinity for their animals and the care they have shown for them in the build up to the com-petition is wonderful skill development. Thanks to the parents who made this all happen. Our Agricultural Day will come back bigger next year I am sure, as this is an example of our special little coun-try school, celebrating our rural location and just one part of our Living Curriculum. I am excited about term 4 and our chance to strive towards student’s learning goals, and enjoy the opportunities and learning experiences that are on offer. We are building up towards our final assembly when we will celebrate the year and acknowledge and farewell our year 8 students. All students will be involved in some way. Please put Wednesday 14th December at 6pm in your diaries. We look forward to working with you for term 4. Enjoy your long weekend.
Welcome to Penny and Mathlida who have joined us in the Junior Room. Happy School days at Waitetuna.
Ngaa mihi, Amanda
Ngaa mihi nui...
Thank you to Raglan Four Square for donating the hotdog buns for our Ag Day lunch. And shout out to Joewi Hoerijanto, our Orca chef dad for the choc brownie and for everyone else who helped with set up and pack down.
On page 3 of this newsletter I have outlined the events and dates we currently have for term 4.
Action Stations
Future Black Caps testing their skills on Wednesday with Cricket lessons.
Not long now—Raffle tickets due back Wednesday 26th October please
Waitetuna Trail Run—have you or your whanau entered our trail run? Saturday 19th November
Waitetuna Way
Well done to Jade and Theo B for setting yourself up for success by being prepared.
Dates for Term 4
Cricket sessions starting from 19th October
Group day—Friday 21st October, Waikato Show—Friday 28th October
Labour day—Public holiday—24th October
Junior Room Zoo Trip—Friday 28th October
Community Halloween event—Friday 28th October –5.00- 7.30pm
Tabloid sports—yr 1/2—Friday 4th Nov
Last day for Raffle selling and tickets returned—Wed—26th October, Raffle drawn—31st October
Book Fair week = Week 4—7th-11th November—including Book Dress Up day—Wednesday 9th November
Board Meeting—15th November
Karioi project in—17th November
Cricket festival—year 5-8—18th November—RAS
Waitetuna Trail Run—Saturday 19th November
School Athletics day—21st November—from 11am
Interschool athletics—25th November
Middle Room—Awa trip—29th November
Board Meeting—6th December
Final assembly—Wed 14th December—6pm—whole school event
Kura Ngahere—Bush school—Fridays—Junior Room
Last day of 2022—Friday 16th December—School closes at 1pm.
Together we are growing the seeds of success
Na too manaaki, na tooku manaaki, ka puawai mai nga kaakano