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Newsletter - Week 1, Term 4 2023

Writer: AmandaAmanda

Principal’s Update

Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanau, if I haven’t caught up with you this week I trust you enjoyed some family time in the school break. I look forward to term 4 and seeing the students shine and work hard towards their goals for the last term of the year. With a lot of events this term connected to Celebrations we decided rightly that the core focus for term 4 would be Celebra- tions. It was great to be able to celebrate Fiji Day on Tuesday. This day usually falls in the holidays. We enjoyed some Fijian food and celebrated the culture through Tapa cloth making, food, and clothing. We have also welcomed two new students this term—Sol in the Senior Room and Thea in the Junior Room. Happy School days at Waitetuna School.

It was wonderful to join the Middle Room for part of their camp on Thursday and Friday. Thanks Matua Travis for organising this and the parents who were able to attend to make sure this could happen. This was also a celebration of our Living Curriculum. Being able to utilise the wonderful resources in our area was fabulous.

Ag Day organisation and lunch– Tuesday 17th Oct—thanks to those families who are bringing their family’s caged pet in from 9-11am on the 17th and we have 16 lamb entries from our school and two entries from Te Uku. Judging starts at 10am so if you are bringing a lamb please be set up at school before this. We will have items for sale on Tuesday 17th Oct for Ag Day. There will be nachos ($4), some hotdogs ($3) and some burgers ($4), juice boxes ($2) and choc brownie (nut free, gluten free) ($2.50). If you are able to send along a small plate of food to feed the judges with we would be most grateful.

Term 4 is a fun-filled term with lots of exciting opportunities for the students as we hopefully get some warmer weather too. Thanks to everyone for ensuring your child has a full brim hat to wear at break times as per our sun smart policy. There are many dates to remember and I have listed them below. Part of term 4 is also to celebrate the year 8s and their time with us. We have a whole school final assembly which is held this year on Wed 13th Dec. This starts at 6pm and we enjoy a shared dinner together after the assembly. Please put this date in your diary and make a note to bring a plate of food. All Whaanau welcome.

On Friday we also enjoyed a visit from an Olympic Ambassador. This inspiring visitor gave the students lots of ways to strive for their goals and the importance of persevering and being resilient when you have set backs or don’t achieve what your thought you would.

Go Fiji and the All Blacks in the World Cup Quarter finals! Have a great weekend. Ngaa mihi Amanda and staff.

All The Happenings—for term 4:

  • Ag day—Tues 17th Oct

  • Shake Out—Earthquake drill—NZ wide—19th Oct

  • Group Day at Te Mata School - Friday 20th Oct

  • Labour Day—Public holiday—Mon 23rd Oct

  • Board Meeting 24th Oct—5.30pm

  • Tabloid Sports Year 1 and 2—Fri 27th Oct

  • Welcome Constable Thomas—Keeping Ourselves Safe week of 30th Oct—more info to come

  • Cricket festival—Year 5-8—3rd Nov

  • Beach Ed—whole school trip—7th Nov

  • Senior Room—Auckland trip—Weta Workshop—8th Nov Assembly—Fri 11th Nov

  • Diwali—Mon 14th Nov—shared lunch

  • Whole School Marae trip—Wed 15th Nov– am

  • School athletics—Thurs 16th Nov– from 11.45am

  • Teacher only day—Friday 17th Nov

  • Inter School Athletics—Fri 24th Nov

  • School Disco—Thurs 30th Nov—5.30-7pm

  • Lawn Bowls—opt in—year 5-8—1st Dec

  • Board Meeting—5th Dec– 5.30pm

  • Junior Room trip—TBC—11th Dec

  • Final ssembly 13th Dec– from 6pm

  • Reports home—Thurs 14th Dec

  • Last day of the year—Monday 18th Dec– school open till midday There will also be Kura Ngaahere and Kura Awa dates

Rock Climbing dates for Year 7 and 8:

  • Mon 6th Nov and

  • Mon 13th- from 2.20pm

  • Sat 19th Nov— 10am-4pm

Final day of the year—Monday 18th December—please note school will be open for supervision until midday.

Waikato full Primary Cross Country trophy for small rural schools. Thanks to our team—Grace, Emma, Jade and Will for their supreme effort to grant us this trophy.


  • Term 1—Starts Wed 7th February and ends Fri 12th April Easter in term time—29th March-2nd April

  • Term 2—Mon 29th April-Fri 5th July—Public holidays in term 2 -Kings birthday 3rd June, ‘Matariki—28th June

  • Term 3—Mon 22 July—27th Sept

  • Term 4—starts—Mon 14th October—End date— 20th December—Labour day—28th October This will include three Teacher Only days but dates will be confirmed as soon as we can as they will be set with the Ministry and the other schools.

Waitetuna School is a voting venue on Saturday

Waitetuna School is a voting venue on Saturday so make sure you get down to vote in the general election. Voting is open from 9am.

Waitetuna Way

Well done to Sol & Layla SELF CONTROL Think before you speak (Is it kind, is it nice, is it necessary?) Manage yourself appropriately in both formal and informal situations Being adaptable when our plans change

Halloween Event

There is a community Halloween event being organized for the students—date to be confirmed—possibly Friday 27th Oct

Together we are growing the seeds of success Na too manaaki, na tooku manaaki, ka puawai mai nga kaakano



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