Principal’s Update
Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanau,
During the term the Senior, Middle and Junior classes have focused on Kotahitanga—working together and unity. We have been looking at the valuable contribution volunteers play in any community. Our community is no exception. We are blessed to have many members of our community involved in our school in a range of ways (not as visible under the Red setting but we know you are there). The students thought of ways that volunteers help and decided on options that they could support our community with one idea was being a great neighbour which linked to Neighbour Week. The Junior Room worked outside with the Senior Room students to create items to give to a neighbour to show appreciation. There are many Local Legends in our community. Middle Room students completed this focus in Term 4 last year fundraising for Starship hospital.
Staff attended a Zoom on Wednesday with Tash from D.O.C and the Pirongia Restoration Society. It was great to connect with them and to hear about the amazing mahi they are doing on our Pirongia Maunga. We are looking at how we can be involved in the future as part of our ongoing Environmental Education at Waitetuna in conjunction with learning about Karioi—the sister maunga.
Covid numbers—I am pleased to say that we have had no Covid cases at Waitetuna School this week and long may that last. We will see what the announcements around the settings will bring and I will keep you informed of this as it comes to hand.
Music lessons can continue or start in term 2 for your child. Our provider has a range of instruments available. If you are interested in your child having music lessons at school please email Aaron on aaron.amy@musiqhub.co.nz
Please be aware a seemingly innocent video called Huggy Wuggy is on youtube/social media. This is actually a razor-toothed teddy bear character, singing about ‘hugging and killing’ in videos that seems to have gone viral among children. This is blocked at school but I wanted to make you aware of this potentially harmful video.
Unless there is essential information to go out this will be the last newsletter of the term. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support over Term 1. This has been another term of change and adjustment.
We wish you all a wonderful Easter break. Stay safe and we hope you stay clear of covid and enjoy time off with your great kids, who have done so well over this term.
Ngaa mihi nui,
Amanda and staff
All The Happenings
Toasted Sandwiches and mini instant pudding—Wednesday Week 11—only $3—last week treat. Sweetcorn, Spaghetti or Ham toasted sandwich-es Gluten Free Ham toasted sandwiches available. Bring your own cup or bowl for instant pudding
Last day of term 1—Thursday 14th April
PTA meeting—Thursday—week 1—term 2.
PTA News
After the very disrupted term there was no opportune time for the PTA to meet in term 1 but a meeting has been scheduled for term 2—Thursday (week 1) 5th May at 3.15pm in the staffroom. Looking forward to seeing you there. One of the items on the agenda is to discuss PTA funding project plans. We would love to hear your thoughts. The board have given a range of options to discuss.
Waitetuna Way
Well done to Harper Wollen who received the Waitetuna Way award for Confidence demonstrating resilience by bouncing back from difficulties.