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Newsletter - Week 10, Term 2

Writer: AmandaAmanda

Kia ora Waitetuna school whaanau,

Staff and students have really put in the mahi this term and are ready for a well deserved break. Ngaa mihi nui to staff for everything you do for our students and to our wonderful parents - thank you for all of your support with every opportunity. We certainly hope you get a chance to slow down and enjoy a break of some sort. We will certainly all appreciate the Matariki public holiday next year.

Fantastic efforts last Friday at the inter school ki o rahi competition - it was great to hear all of the positive feedback about our students at the Ki-o-rahi inter school tournament. They certainly did us proud and showed exemplary examples of the Waitetuna way values in action. Thank you to Whaea Ali for all of your hard work getting these students set up to

be so competitive at this event.

Mid year reporting

Your child's mid year report comes home today. This shows their achievement within the New Zealand curriculum. Staff have worked hard to assess your child's learning, with a range of assessment tools. We are now collating this data to gather a whole school picture and will also be looking at data in gender, ethnicity and progress to track and identify achievements and next steps.

Learning conferences are happening early next term. This gives you an opportunity to sit down with your child's teacher and your child, to discuss their learning and their achievements to date and their next steps over the rest of the year and how you can support them to achieve this. If you would like to discuss anything without your child

present please just let your child’s teacher know so that can be included or please make another time to meet.

Being online in holidays - Holidays are notoriously challenging times for families and young people as the normal routines and expectations around device use can be harder to maintain. Check out this link with tips for navigating this with children and rangatahi.

Online holiday tips - for families - click on this link for some great ideas from Family zone, internet safety company, on how to support conversations with your child around online safety.

Old Phones for photography next term - do you have any old phones at home that have a camera option and connect to wifi we could use for photography next term?

Dates for next term - so far - more to come early next term.

  • Netball exchange - Friday - week 1 - Senior room at Te Uku school

  • PTA Meeting - Thursday week 2

  • Rippa rugby - year 5/6 and year 7/8 teams - Friday week 2

  • School cross country - Thursday 2nd September

  • Inter school cross country - Thursday 9th September

Tree felling - this is going ahead on Monday. A reminder there will be firewood available from the Wednesday afternoon 14th July for a koha.

Olympic ambassador guest speaker - it was neat that we were able to take up the opportunity for an Olympic representative to come to our school and talk about their Olympic journey. Thanks Alison Shanks for being our Ambassador.

A shout out to Sarah Leaper for your donation of library books to our school.

Dental clinic visits to Waitetuna School

I have been in contact with the dental service in Frankton to see if they are starting their mobile dental clinic visits again to Waitetuna School.

Circus opportunity for students - Irene from Circus Aotearoa.

I have been teaching circus skills here in Waitetuna for the last 10 years. My classes are in small groups of 2 buddies which gives us lots of individual time for learning, playing and trying out new things.

Next term I have spaces available for people over 5 years old.

Wednesday 3:30 and 4:30

Thursday 5:00

Those times are for 2 buddies who share the cost of $40 for a 50 min class.

For any further questions and enrolling contact me.


Phone: 8255185

Mobile: 021 1753010 text only!!!

I hope you all have a chance to slow down over the next two weeks and look forward to seeing you all in term 3.

Nga mihi nui,

Amanda and staff.



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