Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanau,
Matariki Sharing—it was lovely to come together for the end of the term for Matariki. Thanks for coming.
Support Staff Week—this week is a very special week as we get to acknowledge the amazing support staff at our school. Amberlee, Hannah, Jane, Jess, Te Kura, Liz, Richard, Lorna, Jennie, and Amy Robbs—what a great team. So many strengths and skills that enhance our student’s learning in this tumeke crew. We thank you all for your help in our great little school.
We also took the time at the end of last week to farewell, say ‘Haere Ra’ to Tania Lattaney who has been working with a student over the past 18 months and who has been a supervisor for after school care. We thank you for your mahi.
As we have reached the end of term 2 we would like to acknowledge the teachers and the great volunteers that help our school too.
First week of term 3—please note there will be no newsletter in week 1 as I am on leave. See you in week 2. I hope you all have a chance to take a break in the school holidays and enjoy the Matariki long weekend on the 14th July.
Ngaa mihi nui, Amanda and staff
All the Happenings
Reports home on the last day of term
Last day of term 2 and International Mud day — 30th June
Dates for next term 3
Term 3 starts— Monday 17th July
TE UKU AND WAITETUNA POT LUCK DINNER—Te Uku Hall—Sat 22nd July—BYO food (to share), your own plates, utensils, movie, table tennis, games
Year 5-8 Planting Natives—Tuesday 25th July PTA Meeting—Mon 31st July—7pm
Learning conferences—Parent/ teacher/student conferences—2nd and 3rd August
Interschool cross country— Thurs 31st Sept
Kapa Haka festival—Fri 15th September
Climbing sessions for year 7 and 8—4th , 11th and 18th Sept from 1.30pm
EARLY WARNING—Teacher Only day—Term 4—Friday 17th November
Matariki—Lanterns, poetry, star art, Kaleidoscopes and of course Kai
Last Reminder—Information Evening at Raglan Area School—for all parents Invite from Raglan Area School—date for your diary Te Ao Māori at Te Kura a Rohe o Whaingaroa / Raglan Area School - Thursday 20 July 5.30-8.00pm
Waitetuna Way
Well done to Anya for gratitude Be open and honest with yourself and others Be reflective and thankful
Together we are growing the seeds of success Na too manaaki, na tooku manaaki, ka puawai mai nga kaakano