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Newsletter - Week 10, Term 3

Writer: AmandaAmanda

Kia ora Waitetuna whanau, Well, we have come to the end of term 3. It has been a very rewarding term. All of the students and teachers have worked extremely hard. The children are tired and ready for a break from are the teachers. I hope you all get to enjoy some sort of break over the coming fortnight. Term 4 is always very busy. We wish you all a very happy holiday and safe travelling if you are heading off around NZ. It will be great to come back and share our junior playground upgrade with the students.

Scientists in the field - Wai trip So much learning happened on the Water trip on Tuesday. Once again thank you to all the parents who were able to help out. As part of our Local Curriculum the staff were enthusiastically sharing with me how this can become a regular event on our school calendar so that data can be compared. I was unable to attend as I was at a Te Awamutu College Pasifika day event. I also met Jon Thompson this week, who lives locally. He is very keen to work with the school on eco-sourcing natives and helping the students with learning how to best grow native seeds. He can also use his position with Rentokil to help us get significantly subsidised potting mix and pest control systems. This is an exciting opportunity for us. He is back today to meet with Jade from the Whaingaroa Enviro Centre and the school to discuss plans for term 4.

Ag day - F​riday 16th October - Week 1 Help for Ag day - Are you able to please help us with setting up the calf and lamb rings on the Thursday afternoon. Can anyone provide baking for selling on Ag day and provide a plate of baking for the Ag day judges morning tea? This would be much appreciated. Please let Amanda know. Thank you to Greenlea meats for providing us with steaks for our Ag day steak sandwiches. Looking forward to our school ag day.

Gibbs farm sculpture farm The middle room and senior room are heading to the Gibbs farm sculpture park in the Kaipara harbour on the 22nd October. Ali managed to secure us tickets and we are transporting the majority of the students in a bus. We wanted to make you aware that the transport cost is $40 for this trip. A notice will be going on the first day next term but we wanted to let you know about the cost early. Adult tickets are extremely limited and all adults will be on the bus. Adults will be required to supervise a group of students.

Building work The school will continue to be a building site in the holidays with the junior playground upgrade/rebuild work starting on Monday. It will be very exciting to see this progressing and hopefully finished ready for students to play on in the first week of next term. Please ensure that children are not on our school site for their safety. Bus Shed demolition may begin during the school holidays but this has not been confirmed with me yet. The area at the back of the school will be fenced off for the safety of the students for the garage build to begin as soon as possible in term 4.

Term Dates for 2021 I met with the Principals in the Raglan area on Friday and as we are trying to keep the start and end dates the same for the schools in the area they were decided on and are as follows:

Term 1​ - starts Tuesday 9th February and finishes on Friday 16th April Easter is during term 1 - Good Friday 2nd April, Easter Monday, Easter Tuesday(holiday) - 5th/6th April Anzac day - 25th April in the school holidays Term 2​ - starts Monday 3rd May - finishes Friday 9th July Queen’s birthday - 7th June TOD during Term 2 - TBC Term 3​ - starts Monday 26th July - finishes Friday 1st October TOD during Term 3 - TBC Term 4​ - starts Monday 18th October - finishes Friday 17th December

Hats next term Children will need to wear hats for term 4 2020 and term 1 2021: We have Waitetuna School hats for purchase at the office at $16 each.

Waitetuna Way awards this week go to - ​Kaia​ for respect for others and property and ​Riley​ for great attributes with being a leader and team player.

Elections information Waitetuna School is a voting venue. The school site will be open for - Election Day Voting: Saturday 17 October. Voting will open in the multi-purpose room at our school at 9:00am and close at 7:00pm.

COVID - We are very grateful to be back in level 1. We have an action packed term 4 being planned and will be squeezing assemblies as follows - You are welcome at site for these - 23 October(week 2) 30 October(week 3) 13 November(week 5) 27 November(week 7) 4th December(week 8) Other key dates for term 4 will be out in the newsletter in week 1.

Under level 1 we are continuing to maintain these measures:

  • Good hand hygiene and cough and sneeze etiquette

  • Making sure all children have a drink bottle as our drinking fountains are closed

  • Staying away if sick

  • Keeping the appropriate physical distance from others

  • Cleaning and disinfecting our high touch surfaces daily

  • Using the QR code posters at our entrances and making sure all of our community, that can do, download the NZ COVID Tracer App and use it if they come onsite.

  • Please otherwise sign a visitor register for anyone who cannot use the app and for any other visitors who come onsite for a period of time.

  • Face masks are optional

Āraia te kino and protect yourself, your whānau and your whakapapa.

Kia Kaha, Amanda Nasilasila

Together we are growing the seeds of success Na tō manaaki, na tōku manaaki, ka puāwai mai nga kākano

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