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Newsletter - Week 10, Term 3, 2021

Writer: AmandaAmanda

Kia ora Waitetuna whaanau

What a wonderful way to finish the term with speeches and our school cross country.

It has certainly been great to have these events and to finish on a high note. Congratulations to all the students for their participation and efforts in these events. In the build up to the cross country we talked with the students about how it can be a nervous time but this is our bodies gearing up to give the race or event our very best. And

what a good feeling when we give it a go and achieve to the best of our ability.

Ag day

Tuesday week 1, term 4 - our school Ag Day will go ahead under level 1 or level 2.

It has been neat hearing our students talking about their lambs and how much they enjoyed them during lockdown. We are looking forward to our annual Ag Day. There will be food for students to purchase. Please can you make a note to do some baking to contribute to our Ag Day. We need baking for the judges and to sell. Remember all funds raised

go straight back into your child's learning. Please note - the students not participating in Ag day with an animal will be in their own class doing a range of usual in class activities.

Group Day

Friday 22nd October - Week 1 - Please note this will only go ahead if we are in level 1.

Further to the important messages in the newsletter last week it is Mental health awareness week. Keeping the conversation open.

Waitetuna Way

Our Waitetuna Way this week goes to - Emma Berejoni and Sofia Tovio-Smith - for your confidence and determination in your learning

Take time to korero - Kia manawanui.

Digital technologies learning

We were able to welcome back Jan-Marie Kellow, mask and her great resources to develop skills around website development in the senior room and exciting programmes like puppet pals in the junior and middle room.

Good news

Nutella is back on the school lunches menu. We have been informed that hazelnuts have been ruled out as part of the nut allergy.


Full brimmed hats are needed for term 4 as part of our sun smart policy. Thanks for your support in this.

Friday lunches next term

The option for purchasing lunch at school has been a success so far and as

mentioned last week we would like to build on this for next term. If you can provide help on one of the following Fridays please let me know -

Have a wonderful holiday break and looking forward to an always fun and busy term 4.

Ngaa mihi

Amanda and staff

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