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Newsletter Week - 10 Term, 3 2022

Writer: AmandaAmanda

Principal’s Update

Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanau, welcome to wiki tekau (week 10) and the end of term. What an impressive array of activities and experiences the students have been involved with this term. The learning that has happened all term captures our Living curriculum in many different ways. We continue to strive to support well-being through our Te Whare Tapa Whaa planning framework and ensure our school community continue to be involved in different ways. If you know of other ways for us to be involved in the community please let us know.

Revue performances

It was fantastic to see the students sharing their Arts learning again yesterday after the wonderful performance at the Kapahaka festival. The Junior Room’s waiata had everyone squirming and their Ant and the Grasshopper” play made us all smile with Ollie, Jackson and Camille’s great dancing. The Middle Room’s play and waiata were stunning and the Senior Room Maaori legend interpretation were well written and well presented with the elements of drama incorporated.

An essential element of the New Zealand Curriculum is the Key Competencies—Thinking, Relating to Others , Understanding language, symbols and texts, Managing Self, Participating and Contributing. These were all evident in the Revue Showcase. Well done to our tamariki.

Waitetuna School Agriculture day

Tuesday 18th October—Is your child’s Ag day form in to the office? Can you help with baking for the judges and to sell?

It was great to welcome Jan- Marie Kellow back on Wednesday to investigate and explore magnetic fields, sound intensity and measure lightest and darkest in the Senior Room. The Middle Room students should have uploaded some learning to Seesaw for you to view.

As our term concludes I would like to thank all of our staff for the huge mahi that has been put in this term. We have been relatively sheltered from Covid this term and we have continued to provide consistent adept programmes for students. I look forward to welcoming you back for term 4 on Monday 17th October. I hope you get to enjoy a break.

Ngaa mihi nui, Amanda and staff

All The Happenings

  • Term 4 dates so far—Waitetuna School Ag day—Tues 18th Oct—there will be food available to purchase

  • Group day—Friday 21st October

  • Cricket sessions at school—starting Wed 19th Oct

  • Labour Day—24th October—Public holiday

  • Waikato Show—Friday 28th October

  • Tabloid Sports—Year 1 and 2—4th November

  • Book Fair week—7th Nov-11th Nov—Dress up day—book Character—9th Nov

  • Board Meeting—15th Nov

  • Cricket festival—Year 5-8—18th Nov

  • Athletics day dates for school and Western Cluster—TBC

  • Waitetuna Trail Run—Saturday 19th November

Capturing ‘The Arts’ for Term 3

Junior Room waiata—He Aha Tenei and Worms Middle Room performing “The Best Fruit Shop in Town” and waiata—”I’m Yours”

Senior Room plays—Rata and the Totara tree, The Battle of the Maunga and Rona and the Moon

Term Dates for 2023

  • Term 1 Thursday 2nd Feb to Thursday 6th April (Waitangi Day Monday 6 February, and Easter: Good Friday– 7th April)

  • Term 2 Monday 24th April to Friday 30th June (Anzac Day – Tuesday 25 April and Queen’s Birthday – Monday 5 June )

  • Term 3 Monday 17th July to Friday 22nd September

  • Term 4 Monday 9th October to Monday 18th December (Labour Day – Monday 23 October)

PTA News

Thanks so much for your support of the raffle so far. We have more ticket books at the office. We made $3,000 at the Cross Country food tent.

Waitetuna Way

Well done Addison Amazing confidence being brave and taking risks in your learning and in performances.

Alister, Xander and Theo in their waka trying to catch ika (fish) in Rata and the Totara Tree.

Together we are growing the seeds of success

Na too manaaki, na tooku manaaki, ka puawai mai nga kaakano



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