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Newsletter - Week 10, Term 3 2023

Writer: AmandaAmanda

Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanau,

Living Curriculum Maahanga—Our school local curriculum has really been highlighted in many ways this term. These experiences meet a the wide ranging needs and interests of our great bunch of tamariki. Starring roles this term include Kura Awa, Kura Ngaahere, Rippa Rugby, Learning Conferences, Community consultation— time to reflect and plan, speeches, cross country, a kaatuarehe (outstanding) kapahaka performance, Para kore—Paul’s visit, Kari- oi project connecting at the Ngaahere, Rock climbing and culmi- nating with Life Ed. The commitment from our staff and students and your support means that our students have a strong, connected curriculum that gives them a well rounded, holistic edu- cation that will provide them with the skills to be life long learners. Tumeke Team!

I also want to make a special mention of Life Education this week— what a great way to conclude our term with a visit from Harold and Abby in the Life Ed truck. It is wonderful that Life Ed can come to Waitetuna School every year now. Whaea Abby is one of the Life Education teachers and she has done a wonderful job supporting our learners with understanding how to navigate relationships and the role each child has in maintaining positive relationships. Our Junior Room learnt about friendship, our Middle Room delved into Kindness to others and Empathy and the Senior Room learnt about Pubertal Change and supporting each other in this time of change. So thanks Abby. We look forward to next year’s visit.

Ag Day forms have gone home via email and a paper copy. There is the Calf, Lamb and Goat entries and we have reintroduced the Caged Pet option. Students can have a caged pet at school from 9- 11am on Ag Day—17th October. Students will be able to bring a small pet, which must be in a cage. No dogs please. Pets must be collected at morning tea time—between 11 and 11.30am.

I have asked if a dental truck will be visiting this year and they are trying but unfortunately they may not get here. If there are stu- dents needing dental treatment please call 0800 TALK TEETH (0800 8255 83384) for an appointment.

Full brim hats are required for the start of term 4. This is part of our sun smart school policy. Please support us in this by providing a full brim hat for students to wear when they are outside. Some students hats have remained at school during the winter months. I know you will agree with me when I say to the school staff to have a really good and well deserved break ready for a busy term 4. They have worked hard to provide students with a great term.

More dates to come in next term’s first newsletter. I hope the Spring weather is as kind to us in the holidays as it has been over the last few days. See you on the 9th October. Ngaa mihi nui, Amanda

All the Happenings

  • Last day of term 3—22nd Sept

  • First day of term 4—Mon 9th October.

  • Fiji Day—Tues 10th Oct—wear blue/white and bring along your sulu (lavalava) wrap skirt

  • Middle Room Overnight camp at Surf Lifesaving Club house—12th and 13th October

  • Olympic Ambassador—Fri 13th Oct Ag Day—17th October

  • Group Day— Te Mata School—Fri 20th Oct Labour Day—24th Oct

  • Board meeting—24th Oct

  • Tabloid Sports—Year 1/2—27th Oct

  • Teacher Only day—Term 4—Friday 17th Nov


  • Term 1—Starts Wed 7th February and ends Fri 12th April

  • Easter in term time—29th March-2nd April

  • Term 2—Mon 29th April-Fri 5th July—Public holidays in term 2 -Kings birthday 3rd June, Matariki—28th June

  • Term 3—Mon 22 July—27th Sept

  • Term 4—starts—Mon 14th October—End date—20th December—Labour day—28th October

  • This will include three Teacher Only days but dates will be confirmed as soon as we know as they will be set with the Ministry and the other schools

Waitetuna Way


Well done to Ben B Celebrate your own and others success Show respect for myself and others (courtesy) Respect for our school equipment Show respect by actively listening to others Show respect for our environment

Together we are growing the seeds of success Na too manaaki, na tooku manaaki, ka puawai mai nga kaakano



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