Principal’s Update
Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanau, it has been a sad week having to farewell long standing staff member Lara Sweetman. I know you will all agree when I say that Lara will be missed. Thank you to the parents for the great turn out at Lara’s assembly.
Lara, it has been a pleasure to get to know you over the last two and a half years. Your support and encouragement of all staff and students is just wonderful.
Also a time to acknowledge all the mums. I am lucky that I could take my mum out to lunch on Sunday. Mums remember to take some time for yourself. Happy Mother’s for last Sunday!
Board Succession—Later this year, we will be having the triennial Board elections in September. Our greatest desire is to have a positive and diverse board, made up of community members who have skills that they can contribute to ensuring our school continues to achieve success. It’s an outdated misconception that Board members have authority to manage the school by directing the Principal. In fact, Board members meet to reflect and offer feedback on school progress in relation to learning, finances, employment, culturally responsiveness, health and safety matters and to support the Principal and staff etc. The list goes on. It’s not necessary, but it often helps to have an interest or professional background in any of these areas, or you might just to want the best for our school and your child. In a normal school year, Board members meet twice per term (Feb - Dec) for 2 hours to hear and discuss updates and reports about school operation. Members also receive a small stipend for each meeting they attend which is around $55. Please consider whether you would like to put yourself forward for the elections this September. If you know someone who would be keen please let them know. More information to come.
And even as we continue to be Covid free Yahoo!—I continue to work with different providers with the Ministry who are looking at our learning environments. This is not just in relation to the supports that reduce the likelihood of getting Covid in a class-room but also our acoustics, lighting and long term planning to ensure our learning environments are fit for purpose for the learning needs of our students and our Living Curriculum. These are exciting opportunities that the Board, staff and myself will plan for and take full advantage of.
A reminder that we are a completely nut free school. This includes Pistachio nuts.
Have a fabulous weekend.
Ngaa mihi, Amanda and staff.
All The Happenings
Next week—Thursday 19th May—Nachos—$3.50 for origi-nal or vege, $4.00 for gluten free
Pink Shirt Day—Thursday 19th May
Junior Football tournament—20th May
Queen’s Birthday—Monday 6th June
Matariki—public holiday— 25th June
Ki-o-rahi—Year 7 and 8’s—Friday 1st July
Science Roadshow—Thursday 7th July—TBC
Whaea Lara—we will miss you!
Thanks ASB Getwise for your financial literacy sessions with the year 3-8 students on Thursday.
Better late than never to acknowledge this great turn out! - Thanks to the crew who came to the Anzac Parade with my son and I during the school holidays.
Can you help?
We really need a new lid for our worm farm as it is not pest proof. Would you be able to create a new one for us? Please let me know—principal@waitetuna.school.nz
Waitetuna Way
Well done to Sybil Quinn, Anitha Van Zyl and Theo Laity for Showing respect by actively listening to others.