Principal’s Update
I would like to acknowledge and extend a huge warm welcome to our new students—Asher, Charly and Minnie and to all of our returning students—Nau Mai Ano. We are looking forward to a tu meke (awesome) year ahead. I would like to acknowledge Travis Browne who has started as the Middle Room teacher. We also welcome Hana Sleeman and Amy Ross onto our school staff. They have teacher aide roles in the Middle Room and Junior room respectively. We also welcome Neroli—a student teacher in the Junior room. Great to have you all on board and welcome back old and new families.
What a great start by all of the students and teachers to begin the year. The photo below is all of our staff who could make it to our staff only day at Te Kaharoa Marae. What a taonga day being back as a kura at our local marae. You will see Bernie and Darrell in our photo along with other extended whaanau who supported our great staff only day.
We are planning a Meet the Teacher school community event but are aware that the road closure has put a lot of extra pressure on families. So watch this space for something coming. And of course pop in anytime or send an email. We are always here to answer any questions or have a chat.
Fees increase
After much though the board has to pass on some minimal cost increases for Steps Web and Mathletics for 2023. These are direct costs to the school. The School Fee cost will not increase.
The Board also looked into ways to reduce multiple fee requests over the year for various events and are wanting to trial an activity fee. This is one off fee for the year that will cover most events throughout the year. This year the fee will cover Life Education, Science Roadshow (for Seniors) and other events that are booked in.
Dates reminder and events so far for 2023
Please see below for the dates for Term 1.
Paid Union Meeting
As I mentioned in my end of year assembly speech Paid Union Meetings are happening in Term 1 and possibly strike action. Secondary teachers have started strike action in term 1. For them this included refusal to teach other classes in non- contact time and refusal to teach extra students when a reliever is unavailable. They are wanting to highlight the teacher shortage. Our teachers will be attending a PUM on Monday 27th February. The school will remain open for supervision should you require cover.
Thank you to those families who have helped us out over the holidays. Your support of our school is much appreciated. If you are being affected by longer days due to the detour in place and your child needs to stay longer in before or after school care please let us know and we can support families with adjustments to the fees. Ngaa mihi Amanda and staff
All The Happenings
Tech at RAS starts for Year 7-8—16th Feb
Cricket sessions in school starts—20th Feb
Board meeting—21st Feb—5.30pm Get-Set-Go day—Year 3 and 4—24th Feb
Paid Union Meeting—27th Feb—school open for supervision from 12.40pm—pick up children if possible
Friday lunches Cheese Burgers 3rd March
Senior Room—Pirongia Lodge trip—6th March
School swimming sports—13th March
Junior Room camp—school overnight- er—16th/17th March
Interschool Swimming—20th March
Science Roadshow—Senior Room— 22nd March
Tryathlon—27th March—TBC School Photos—Tues—28th March
Interschool Softball tournament—31st March
Last day Term 1—Thursday 6th April
Online Safety Hub
Being safe online is a responsibility we take very seriously . We support students with essential teaching around this and also have a wide range of different measures in place to keep students safe. This is a site created by one of our monitoring services which gives you a range of supports and ideas too—Check it out— https://waitetuna.onlinesafetyhub.nz/
Term Dates for 2023 and important Teacher only day dates
As I mentioned at the end of last year the Ministry of Education has now allowed Teacher Only days for the New Zealand Curriculum refresh in 2023 and 2024. As we have already secured Monday 24th April for PLD (supervision will be available on this day) we will also be having a Teacher Only day on Monday 1st May.
Please note there will be another TOD later in term 3 but we are still waiting for this date to be advised.
Term Dates—2023—a reminder
Term 1
Thursday 2nd Feb to Thursday 6th April (Waitangi Day
Monday 6 February, and Easter: Good Friday– 7th April)
Term 2
Monday 24th April to Friday 30th June (Anzac Day – Tuesday 25 April and Queen’s Birthday – Monday 5 June )
Monday 24th April school is open but teachers will be partici- pating in Professional Learning and a reliever will be covering.
Monday 1st May—Teacher Only Day
Term 3
Monday 17th July to Friday 22nd September
Term 4
Monday 9th October to Monday 18th December (Labour Day – Monday 23 October)
Waitetuna Way - Well done Chloe & Audrey for showing confidence being brave enough to take risks. To believe in yourself. And develop resilience to bounce back from difficulties.
Together we are growing the seeds of success
Na too manaaki, na tooku manaaki, ka puaawai mai nga kaakano