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Newsletter - Week 2, Term 3

Writer: AmandaAmanda

Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanau, it has been a busy week. Lee Marchoni from ERO came to meet Sue and myself and we have booked a Mihi Whakatau for Tuesday 24th August. She is looking forward to meeting the community. I will give you times for the Mihi Whakatau and for meeting her. She looks forward to hearing your thoughts on our school.

Karioi Project - we mentioned the visit from Isabelle, Amber and Madeleine in last week’s newsletter. They came to school to educate our students on the importance of controlling pests in every community. We have purchased some trap stations for our school. If you would like to purchase any for your properties please let us know at the office. The Karioi project - backyard trappers team will be back in August to further educate and help us with our trapping in our school.

Music lessons at Waitetuna School - I have been looking for a new music lesson provider and it looks like I have been able to secure someone who can come to our school. I am working with them on schedules and will have costings, times and instruments to you soon.

Learning conferences - week 4 - Tuesday and Wednesday - have you booked in a time with your child’s teacher? Email if you have not seen the notice about this.

Keeping Ourselves Safe - thanks to Constable Shawn for the information session for parents yesterday afternoon. ‘My body is my own, my body belongs to me’ is a key message and helping children memorise key information like mum and dad’s names, your phone number and address. This programme is thoroughly researched and transparent. Here is the link

if would like to know more and as always if you have any more questions please don’t hesitate to get in contact. Keeping Ourselves Safe | New Zealand Police

PTA meeting - thanks to the team of people who were part of Thursday morning’s meeting. On the agenda was organisation for Interschool cross country, (Thursday 9th September - lock this day into your diary - help needed please). We discussed and planned for Zero waste at events and the decision making process around deciding on the PTA fundraising

project for this year’s funds. Earlier in the year the PTA approved our ‘Community foodbowl’ gardens vision and we look forward to making this happen as the weather improves.

Waitetuna Way award this week goes to - Emma Moss & Willis Neels for showing respect for our school equipment and environment.

It was great to welcome Jan-Marie Kellow again this week. With The Arts our Citizenship focus this term the students have been learning how to take great photos so they can capture their artworks as the term progresses. Skool Loop - do you know about skool loop. This is an app which is another way we communicate information and notices to parents. If

you haven't downloaded the app yet please do so. I have just found out that our newsletter hasn't been uploaded to school loop during June. We should have fixed this. I mentioned communication in last week's newsletter. This is an important aspect of school systems.

How do you receive the newsletter and which way do you prefer to get it? Your inbox? Skool loop app? Edge email? Do you download from our website? We have a small number requiring a paper copy. Let me know if you are receiving it and which way you prefer?

Dates for term 2:

  • Photolife - Monday 9th August - If you want a sibling photo the form must be completed.

  • BOT Meeting - Tuesday 10th August

  • First assembly for this term is Friday week 3 - Friday 13th August, then 27th August, 3rd September, 17th September

  • School cross country - Thursday 2nd September

  • Inter school cross country - Thursday 9th September

  • BOT Meeting - 22nd September

  • Waikato full primary cross country 22nd September and Waikato full primary regional speech competition to be confirmed

  • Kapa haka festival - Friday 24th September

  • Inter school speeches date has been added - week 10 Thursday 30th September

Please note we are also having a Tabloids Olympics afternoon and will confirm this date depending on the weather forecast. Our PTA run this event and due to the significant work in this.



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