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Newsletter - Week 2, Term 3 2023

Writer: AmandaAmanda

Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanau, I hope you all enjoyed the Matariki long weekend. I had a wonderful break in Fiji with my family celebrating a special birthday. Thanks to the team for covering in the first week. It has been an action packed, great second week at Waitetuna School.

We welcomed Waikato Tainui manuhiri on Wednesday. It was great to be able to share our Living Curriculum Maahanga.

Kura Awa—Thursday morning—the Middle Room braved the weather and had a fun morning down at the Awa. Great for them to finally be able to start this wonderful learning oppor- tunity and further appreciate our local environment. Property—you will have seen the extension to the deck which is a fantastic addition. Thank you to Bevan and Tim for the outstanding work. Thanks to Gallagher for funding this. New students—we would like to welcome the following students to our great little school—Lenny in the Junior Room, Jovee in the Middle Room and two new students in our Senior Room. Happy school days at Waitetuna.

Learning Conferences—(Parent, Student and Teacher conferences) — week 3—Wednesday and Thursday—We are now using an online booking system for learning conferences. To book your time please go to the Skool Loop App. Lorna has emailed you details for this. Please note school finishes at 1.45pm on both of these days.

If you are unable to book a time on the Skool Loop please contact the office and Lorna will book one for you. I also look forward to catching up with you at Learning Conferences. I will be in the staffroom and have a set of consultation questions for you. Health Curriculum consultation—as promised we will be work- ing through our Health Curriculum. There will be a presentation in the Multipurpose Room on Monday 14th August at 6.30pm

Speeches 2023—every second year the students are given the opportunity to do an oral presentation eg a poem or their mihi or a speech in class and then at our school event. The Year 5/6 and Year 7/8 winners of this competition go on to the Inter School speech competition at Te Uku School which is Friday 25th August starting at 10am.

Our school competition is Wed 16th August starting at 10am for our Year 3/4 students, 10.30am for Year 5/6 students and then 11/30 for our Year 7/8 students. Parents are welcome. Year 1/2 students will pre- sent theirs at assembly on the 25th August.

Welcome to Grace & Aretha, our new Students in the Senior Room.

Please note the PTA meeting that was Room scheduled for 31st July has moved to the following Monday 7th August at 7pm.

Year 5-8 Planting Natives—postponed until next Tuesday 1st August

Ngaa mihi Amanda and staff

All The Happenings

  • PTA Meeting—Mon 31st July—7pm— postponed - until Monday 7th August

  • Learning conferences—Parent/teacher/ student conferences—2nd and 3rd August— school finishes at 1.45 on Wed and Thursday of week 3.

  • Cheese burgers and Assembly—4th August

  • Seniors—Cricket session—Monday am 7th Aug.

  • Board meeting—8th August-5.30pm

  • School Speeches—Wed 16th August—starting at 10am—Yr 3/4 10.30 Yr 5/6 11.30am Yr 7/8 (approximate times)

  • Assembly—Week 6—Year 1 and 2 students will share an oral presentation

  • Assemblies—week 3 (4th August), (25th August), week 8 (8th Sept). Rippa Rugby—18th August

  • School and Interschool cross country—Thurs 31st August

  • Kapa Haka festival—Fri 15th September

  • Rock Climbing sessions for year 7 and 8— 4th , 11th and 18th Sept from 1.30pm

  • EARLY WARNING—Teacher Only day—Term 4—Friday 17th November

Waikato Tainui Manuwhiri (visitors)

Sharing our wonderful Living Curriculum with our Waikato Tainui visitors on Wednesday. Some of our Seniors gave guided tours of our kura.

Have you got your child's lamb, goat or calf organised for the 17th October? AG DAY @ Waitetuna School - Tuesday 17th October. We are hoping that with Covid not impacting on our school calendar so much that we will have a whole lot more entries again this year.

We look forward to this event having increased numbers back and lots of fun on the day. It is a special day in our rural school calendar - so thanks for supporting!

Group Day - held at Te Mata School - This is a wonderful day where your child gets to show their animal at another school against children from other schools.

PTA Meeting—Monday 7th August

Inter School Cross Country—this is a major school fundraising event. Last year we raised $3,000. We need your help please—31st August or can you help with cooking nacho mince in advance or getting us food contributions? We also ask for all families to contribute baking to sell on the day.

Effective Planning and Reporting

Effective planning and reporting underpins all the other work that schools and kura do. Schools and kura need to intentionally plan, and evaluate their performance to:

  • Give effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and support MaÌ„ori- Crown relationships

  • ï‚·Meet legislated board primary objectives and show how the school or kura has had particular regard for the NELP (National Education Learning Priorities)

  • Ensure the needs of all aÌ„konga are met

  • ï‚·Ensure the voices of all aÌ„konga and whaÌ„nau are heard This ensures we implement teaching and learning pro- grammes, that give effect to the New Zealand Curriculum or Te Marautanga o Aotearoa, to improve outcomes for all aÌ„konga. We want to hear your thoughts as we are begin to plan for 2024 and beyond. During Learning Conferences I will be in the staffroom ready to hear your thoughts on our school direction.

  • What priorities/needs does the board need to plan for?

  • What do you love about Waitetuna School?

  • What do you think could enhance the school?

  • What could enhance our school with a lense on learning?

  • Is there anything else you would like to see your child’s learning?

  • What do we need to plan/consider/budget for in the next five years?

  • Do our school values still fit? Confidence, Determination, Aroha/Friendship, Respect, Gratitude, Creativity, Self- control?

  • Our school vision is—Together we are growing seeds of success—Na too manaaki, na tooku manaaki ka puawai mai nga kaakano—Are there any ways we can strengthen this?

The board, teachers and myself would appreciate your thoughts. You are welcome to email me if you do not get to the staffroom during learning conferences.

Waitetuna Way

Friendship / Aroha Well done to Olive & Blake Actively listening and responding to others ideas Supporting each other in learning and play Work collaboratively in a team Encourage others with positive words Be kind to others

Together we are growing the seeds of success Na too manaaki, na tooku manaaki, ka puawai mai nga kaakano

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