Principal's Update
Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanau,
I hope you have enjoyed a short week. I am delighted to let you know that we have made an appointment for the Middle Room position. Travis Browne, who is a quality experienced teacher and valued member of the Waitetuna School community will be the teacher for the Middle Room from 2023. Travis will be join-ing us for a couple days before the end of the year to get to know staff and students. We look forward to working with Travis. Piki mai kake mai—Welcome on board.
I attended a session on the New Zealand Curriculum (Te Maataiaho) refresh on Tuesday. It was really interesting to be a part of this introductory session. The draft document which is in it’s initial phase looks like it is capturing the essence of local curriculum and has specific content that all students will benefit from. I look forward to working with staff on this document and keeping you informed.
Paid Union Meeting notification—as the negotiation of the Primary Teachers contract with the Ministry continues we have been notified of paid union meetings. We always en-sure our teachers that are union members can attend these meetings. We will remain open with some staff available for supervision if you are unable to collect your child early on Thursday 24th November.
2023 Planning
the Board meeting on the 15th November will include extensive planning. We appreciated your thoughts at learning conference time last term for thinking ahead to next year. Was there anything else you like to see? Email me—principal@waitetuna.school.nz
ERO visit
Lee from the Education Review Office who is our evaluation partner is in on Tuesday 1st November to korero about our journey this year and where to from here.
Scholastic Book Fair—Theme—Paws for Books
Week 4— An over view of activities for our book week is on page 3 of this newsletter. Special note—Booknic– Wed 0th Nov—is a picnic with books. Bring a picnic lunch and some books and find a space outside to enjoy some books and your picnic with your kids. Our book fair will be open for sales. This is also our Bookweek dress up day. Dress up as your favourite character!
Welcome to Tai and William who have joined the Senior Room. Great to have you with us.
Shake Out
The students practiced what to do in an earth-quake drill as part of the Shake Out on Thursday. Drop, Cover, Hold. Have a great weekend. Ngaa mihi Amanda
All the Happenings
Junior Room Zoo Trip—Friday 28th October
Community Halloween event—Friday 28th October –5.00-7.30pm– on school grounds
Tabloid sports—yr 1/2—Friday 4th Nov
Book Fair week = Week 4—7th-11th November—including Book Dress Up day—Wednesday 9th November
Board Meeting—15th November
Karioi project in—17th November
Cricket festival—year 5-8—18th November—RAS
Waitetuna Trail Run—Saturday 19th November
School Athletics day—21st November—from 11am
Interschool athletics—25th November
Middle Room—Awa trip—29th November
Board Meeting—6th December
Final assembly—Wed 14th December—6pm—whole school event– shared kai after the event, please bring a plate.
Last day of 2022—Friday 16th December—School closes at 1pm.
Head lice
If you discover head lice in your child’s hair the two best options for removal are—conditioner and combing (this is inexpensive) and Dimethicone lotion which is prescribed by the GP and is very effective in treating head lice. This is popular because it is easy to use and the lice are not, and do not become resistant to it.
We celebrated and acknowledged Diwali this week. It was great to see the students enjoying and trying the range of Indian treats on offer. The festival of lights is a celebration of the Indian New Year.
PTA News
Ngaa mihi nui! Thank you for the sales of raffle tickets. Raffle will be drawn on Mon-day.
Remember calendar art orders are still live! Let me know if you can’t access online.
Waitetuna Way - Determination (Middle Room)
Stella-Rose and Blake—setting yourself up for success!
Book Fair Week Overview
MONDAY—Classes view and select wish list.
TUESDAY—After School—Parents only—Xmas present purchasing
WEDNESDAY—Dress up day
Fun Family afternoon—Booknic—12pm—book sales available
THURSDAY—book sales available—8.30-9.30am– bring your fav book to school to celebrate this with a book review
FRIDAY—Milo on the deck with a book—Buddy Reading
Together we are growing the seeds of success
Na too manaaki, na tooku manaaki, ka puawai mai nga kaakano