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Newsletter - Week 3, Term 1 2022

Writer: AmandaAmanda

Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanua,

It has been great having cricket special-ists in this week to hone the Middle and Senior Room students skills this week. Cricket sessions to continue every Tuesday for five more weeks.

I was part of the submissions hearing about speed limits. Submissions were many and varied and talked about reduc-ing speed limits down to 40km maximum—which is positive. Scope was also looked into about dropping speed lim-its further past schools during pick up and drop off times and suggestions for speed bumps. Thanks Jacqui Swan for your important contributions to support road safety around our school.


We know this is a bit of a tradition now at Waitetuna School and know, more than ever, that trying to make these events happen is important. We look forward to welcoming parents in some way. More information to come. And we thank you for following on possible health and safety measures during events. In the TRYathlon stu-dents will continue to compete against themselves to better their goals that they will set themselves. Bikes can come in from the 7th March.

I also have some sad news to announce. The board has regrettably accepted Lara Sweetman’s resignation. Lara said this difficult decision was made in light of wanting to be able to support her whanau more. I know Lara has dedicated many years to this school and we will miss her. Lara said what a special place this school has in her heart after her children have done some or all of their schooling at Waitetuna.

She has said she can come back as a reliever so at least we will continue to see her in that capacity. The board and I have put together the advertisement for her role and we will let you know when the appointment has been made.

Mask wearing

Please note our teachers and support staff who work in the junior room are not required to wear a mask but are doing their utmost to put one on when they exit the classroom.

Have a good weekend.

Ngaa Mihi, Amanda and staff.

All The Happenings

22.2.22—Twosday Tuesday—To be you—dress up day—dress up in what you want to be! I know we will have plenty of spidermen but let’s encourage a few builders too!

Dates to remember:

  • Life Education—28th Feb and 1st March—if you have any ques-tions for Nicky please get in touch with me.

  • Junior Room swimming demonstration—Wed 9th March—start 1.45pm

  • Middle and Senior Room Swimming—Thursday 10th March—start—1pm

  • TRYathlon—Thursday 17th March—Year 7 and 8’s start at 11.00am

  • School Photos - 29th March

  • I Am Hope—4th March—supporting mental health—1.45—Senior Room

  • Karioi Project—T.B.C—working with all classes

  • Welcome Whaingaroa Enviro centre—25th February

  • Senior Room surf day with Greenwave surfing—21 March—Senior Room

Te Whare Tapa Whaa

Supporting our students wellbeing is a crucial part of our school. We wel-comed Lisa Rapana into all of the classrooms on Wednesday. Students at each level looked at the different aspects of Te Whare Tapa Whaa—Tinana—Body, Hinengaro—Mental health, Wairua—Spiritual health, Whaanau—family/social. Each class looked closely at some or all of these aspects and will continue with this learning with classroom teachers and with Lisa over the coming terms. She continued her mahi with the staff at our staff meeting after school. Ngaa mihi nui Lisa.

Businesses looking after our school—lets look after them

Following are the confirmed advertisers supporting Waitetuna school in the skool loop app:

  • Richard Thompson - PGG Wright-son Real Estate

  • Raglan Carriers

  • Ecolynx

  • Direct Tech Ltd

  • Goodwright Contracting Ltd

  • Rural Safe

  • Stendy Electrical

  • Fensin Neil & Raymond Robert-son

  • Premiere Plumbing & Gas Services

  • Ali’s Turkish Kebabs

  • Four Square Raglan

  • Tudor Painting

We would like to thank the above businesses who have been so kind in supporting our school and Skool Loop App.

Waitetuna Way

Well done to Ned Quinn and Willow Meade for their leadership and supporting each other in l earning and play.



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