Environmental Education Newsletter
As I have mentioned our Environment Education continues to evolve in exciting ways. Science is Environmental Education. Science helps us understand and make sense of the
exciting world we live in. We know that learning all aspects of science in the primary school years helps children become better problem solvers and critical thinkers. Children are curious by nature and are eager to explore, question, experiment and learn about the world around them. We are passionate about nurturing this. Our teachers use a variety of approaches when teaching science, building on their students natural curiosity and learning about themselves, the world around them and supporting them to think in
scientific ways across different contexts. It was great to hear students ‘buzzing’ about the Science that was happening in all of the classrooms this week.
All of these exciting happenings shape our school local curriculum which is now evolving into our ‘Living curriculum as we explore a Tiriti o Waitangi led Living Curriculum with Ngaa Uri o Maahanga. Thank you for supporting our Teacher only day on Monday. Our mahi included working with Lisa Rapana, and exploring assessment for learning and
additional Science resources that are supporting a review of the New Zealand Curriculum. Enviro education so I thought it was timely to share this with you. The Seniors attended the Science Roadshow this week. It was great to hear them talking about Citizen Science. That everyone is a Scientist. But also doing some great experiments, including a Fire Tornado that can’t be attempted in the average classroom.
The Garden bird survey that some students did during lockdown last year is underway again. It starts again between 26 June-4 July. More information is at gardenbirdsurvey.landcareresearch.co.nz
At our board meeting this week we looked closely at the Environmental Education planning including our outdoor garden that has been discussed with staff and senior students. Robyn is making Enviro Fridays a very special day for the Junior room. The year 6 students had their first session looking at eco-sourcing of seeds. Our small shelters by the netball court will stay where they are and will be storage for the native seeds to grow.
The gardens are an important aspect of our plan for Waitetuna School for our Community foodbowl vision down by the garage, ideally self-seeding, with feijoa hedges, sensory pathways around the school, continuing to increase our orchard, extending our native planting in different areas, and developing new composting(pest free) systems.
Our draft plan is in the office if you would like to take a close look. Would appreciate your thoughts. Te Uku Windfarm 10 year Anniversary - All schools in the area will be celebrating the Wind farm anniversary on Thursday 3rd June. The Seniors will be going to Te Mata hall and then going up to our Waitetuna Wind turbine to place the time capsule in for another ten years. If you know of anyone who celebrated the original event in 2011 and would like to join us, can you please let me know by Wednesday 26th May.
Waitetuna Way this week goes to - Kaia and Lenox for being diligent and using your excellent active listening skills in all you do.
American hot dog lunch - Tuesday 25th May - $3.00 each. Gluten Free and vegetarian options available - $4.00
Dates for term 2
Samoan Language Week - week 4
Te Uku Wind Farm 10 year anniversary - Senior room to attend - 3 June
BOT Meetings - 18 May and 15 June - 5.30pm
National Young Leaders Day - Year 7 and 8 students - 16 June
Waikato Museum trip - whole school - 17 June
Tough Guy/Gal challenge - 24 June
Staff Only Day - 28 June
Ki-o-rahi tournament - 2 July
Ngaa mihi nui,
Amanda and staff