Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanau,
Our Olympians certainly made us proud and have lots to celebrate. Watching Lisa Carrington and hearing her speak about being so scared before a race and wanting to run away but persevering and look at what she has achieved! This is an inspiring message for our students.
Week 3 began with School photos and finished with Harry Ridley celebrating Chemistry in the Senior room on Friday. Harry is doing his weekly Chemistry session in the Senior room. He made Elephant toothpaste and this week explored other exciting reactions.
We have a Mihi Whakatau at 9.10am on Tuesday 24th August for our Evaluation partner with ERO. You are all welcome to attend this and meet with Lee. It would be great to have some of our school community available for this.
Our school roll will be at 71 by the beginning of next term. We have a new family joining us next week. At the Board meeting this week the board approved Jane Hook's hours
in the junior room to support learners as numbers are climbing. Our junior room will reach 24 towards the end of the term and is currently sitting at 22. We of course want our year 0-2 students to have the best possible start to school. So we welcome Jane into the junior room. Another role for Jane will be helping a student transition from ECE to Waitetuna school. She will also be supporting Whaea Robyn with maintaining our Science of Reading individualised programme and taking Maths groups for number knowledge. Nau
mai haere mai Jane. It is wonderful having you join the Waitetuna team! Also in the junior room last week we had a special ‘100 days at school’ party. What a wonderful milestone to
acknowledge. Thanks Whaea Robyn, Amberlee and Jane.
Hot dog lunch - learning support resources fundraising - $3.00 hot dog or $4 gluten free hot dog is booked in for Thursday 26th August. As a small rural decile 8 school our funds are limited so we are using lunches as another way to support our students with their learning.
Music lessons - the advertisement for this is emailed out with this newsletter. It costs $207 for 10 lessons for group lessons and $379.50 per term for solo lessons. To start lessons
at school you can contact the provider directly on the separate advertisement provided.
Demo of shed - a message went out to parents to let you know that the Asbestos in the shed will be removed over the weekend with the required equipment and then the remainder of the shed will be removed next week. All safety measures will be adhered to.
Ag day animals - do you want your child to have a goat, lamb or calf? Let me know as we have an offer from a parent at Te Mata to secure an animal for your child to rear for Ag day. They will also rehome after the Ag day events. Our Waitetuna School Ag Day is Tuesday 19th October. Please note this date had to change.
On Wednesday 25th August the year 6 students are heading to Hillary Hope reserve to plant some trees. If you can provide help with this please be at school by 11.30am. Look at this cool crew to the right - who wouldn’t want to help them?
CAN YOU DIG OUR CRAZY PAVERS INTO THE GROUND? It would be great if you had a spare hour and could dig these into the ground please.
WESTERN CLUSTER CROSS COUNTRY - Helpers needed - This event is a big school fundraiser and we need lots of help on this day. Please could you spare some time to help in the food tent. We will rotate the times around so you can see your child/ren race. Preschool races start from 10am.
Waitetuna Way - Goes to Jackson Klee & Piata Douglas for showing respect for our school equipment and environment.
Dates to note:
Police in on Monday doing their in-class session in each room.
Assemblies - 27th August, 3rd September, 17th September
School cross country - Thursday 2nd September - Races start from 11.00am
Inter school cross country - Thursday 9th September
BOT Meeting - 22nd September
Waikato full primary cross country 22nd September and Waikato full primary regional speech competition to be confirmed
Kapa haka festival - Friday 24th September
Inter school speeches date has been added - week 10 Thursday 30th September