Principal’s Update
Kia ora Waitetuna School Whaanau, I hope the week has treated you well. It was great to catch up with you all at Learning Conferences this week. I have heard lots of positive feedback about these and the importance of being able to have this time to discuss your child’s learning and next steps for your child. Attendance at these learning conferences is always well attended. And for families who couldn’t attend in per-son we had some Zoom conferences.
Thanks to the families that were able to come into the staffroom and respond to the questions we had for community consultation. It was great to hear the positives of our school curriculum. It was also noted that now with Covid numbers dropping you were ask-ing for opportunities to get together as a school community. There is lots of scope for running community events at school and you are welcome to run these events using our school grounds. Get in contact with the school and I can run these past the board.
Our new board for the next three years is Bevan Marquand, Daniel Bateman and Sally Ridley. They are duly elected. With three nominees that means there is a casual vacancy available.
This week the Senior Room had an Engineer visit from Transpower. He talked about his many and varied roles as an Engineer in England and then when he moved to New Zealand. The students worked with Ali and Corin Singh to make and design circuits, wind
turbines and completed lots of other interesting activities. The Science and Technology aspects of the New Zealand Curriculum continue to be alive and well at our school.
Padder tennis net—’One Foundation’, the organisation which funded the rugby line marking also funded a new mobile padder tennis net which finally arrived. It is great to see the kids enjoying this at break times as well as the volleyball net. Thanks Richard for assembling these.
REMINDER—Save the Date—Inter School Cross Country competition—Thursday 1st September. This is a school fundraising event and we would appreciate lots of help to make this happen. We provide food for this day. You can help in the food tent or do some baking to sell. This will all help towards making this day a success and raising some additional funds for our PTA.
PTA Raffle—hopefully you saw the email earlier in the week about the decision to go ahead with a PTA raffle again this year. Do you know of someone that could donate a prize for this? We really appreciate you investigating this.
Ngaa mihi Amanda
All The Happenings
Rural Womens’ Principal group at Waitetuna—Mon 15th August
Board Meeting—Tuesday 16th August
Rippa Rugby for Year 5-8 students—Fri 19th August
Matua Paul in—Waste audit—now 1st September
Inter-school Cross Country—Thursday 1st September—Nachos/Sausages/Baking
Senior Room—camp—4th-6th September
Hotdogs—16th September Board meeting—Tuesday 20th September
Waikato Full Primary Cross country—21st September P/P— 22nd Sept
Kapahaka Festival—Friday 23rd September
PTA News
Native seedlings for sale—Poster advertisement should have been received in your inbox—Manuka, Kanuka, Lacebark, and Cabbage trees are still available.
Inter-school Cross Country—1st September—we would appreciate help on this day. If you can help in the food tent we are going to roster people on so you still get to watch your child race.
PTA Raffle—do you know of a business that could donate a prize for our school raffle?
Te Reo Maori Phrase
Kei reira—Right on! That’s the one.
Kia Manawanui—Hang in there!
Waitetuna Way
Well done to Anya Boggs for having Aroha: Being kind to others.
Together we are growing the seeds of success
Na tō manaaki, na tōku manaaki, ka puāwai mai nga kākano