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Newsletter - Week 3, Term 3 2023

Writer: AmandaAmanda

Updated: Aug 16, 2023

Principal’s Update

Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanau,

Learning Conferences—it was great to see you at learning conferences and thank you to those that were able to support the board with their planning and made it into the staffroom to talk to me.

Many of you mentioned to me how much you value the experiences of our regular Junior Room Kura Ngaahere and the Middle Room Kura Awa. There was lots of great ideas that we can look into and plan for. I will share these with the PTA too.

AG DAY 2023—I am hoping you saw our Ag Day advertisement in last week’s newsletter. We would really like to keep this rural school institution alive at Waitetuna School. So hopefully you are organising your child’s lamb, calf, or goat for our Term 4 Ag day on the 17th October. Te Uku Store is planning on selling milk so more info on page 3 of the newsletter. We are really hoping that Ag day can come back for 2023 bigger than it has been.

Attendance—thanks for ensuring children are at school when they are well. When children are absent the ministry ask us for the reason your child is away so it is important for our records that we know the reason when you contact us with your child’s absence - we would appreciate this.

We want to be a Community Food Bowl at Waitetuna School and you can help!

There is something for everyone so please join in.

Get your hands dirty: Share your enthusiasm with the students during their regular gardening sessions. 2 hours once a month or more.

Cook up kai: Harvest and cook fresh homegrown produce with the students. Plan your favourite seasonal dishes together. Two hours or so when needed. Garden Gnome: Often not seen but so essential. Helping with watering and harvesting during the holidays when we can’t be there.

You will be joining a fun supportive team of students, teachers and a food growing mentor from Whaingaroa Environment Centre. We are all learning together.

Bus—we have recently been asked if friends can get on the bus if a student usually uses the bus. The answer is unfortunately not. Go Bus provide this service and they do not allow any flexibility in this, no matter what we put forward. They say it is for safety reasons and that the Ministry enforces this with them. We do not make the rules but we have to enforce them. This does put Lorna in an awkward position but she is only doing what she has been told. We do apologise for any inconvenience caused by this.

Kia pai to ra whakataa, Have a great weekend.

All the Happenings

  • Seniors—Cricket session—Monday am 7th Aug

  • Board meeting—8th August-5.30pm

  • New Planting date for the Senior Room—Fri 11th August

  • School Speeches—Wed 16th August— starting at 10am—Yr 3/4 10.30 Yr 5/6 11.30am Yr 7/8 (approximate times)

  • Assembly—Week 6—Year 1 and 2 students will share an oral presentation 6 (25th August), week 8 (8th Sept).

  • Rippa Rugby—18th August

  • School and Interschool cross country— Thurs 31st August

  • Kapa Haka festival—Fri 15th September

  • Rock Climbing sessions for year 7 and 8—4th , 11th and 18th Sept from 1.30pm

  • EARLY WARNING—Teacher Only day— Term 4—Friday 17th November

  • Assemblies—week 3 (4th August), week

PTA Meeting - Mon 7th August 7pm—this link is also emailed to you. You are invited to join the PTA meeting on Monday 7 August at 7pm. At school or on ZOOM.

Meeting link: eavb-cfz Agenda: document/ d/1lVYV9ZHoHJl0KkIypwl_a u_6qOLJgOJI/edit? usp=drive_link&ouid=114602 092204237145782&rtpof=tru e&sd=true

Waitetuna Way

Friendship / Aroha Well done to Lewis & Ruby Actively listening and responding to others ideas Supporting each other in learning and play Work collaboratively in a team Encourage others with positive words Be kind to others


Peehea te moe? How was your sleep?

Huakina ngaa aarai Open the curtains

Milk powder offer

Simon at Te Uku Store would like to provide sales of milk powder for calves, lambs and maybe goats and will deliver the order to school for collection. Prices to come—at a school price offer We will be taking orders at the office. More details to come

Together we are growing the seeds of success Na too manaaki, na tooku manaaki, ka puawai mai nga kaakano



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