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Newsletter - Week 3, Term 4 2023

Writer: AmandaAmanda

Kia ora koutou Waitetuna Whaanau, I hope you have had a good short week. I will start my update this week acknowledging Emma Berejoni who went to Group Day at Te Mata with her lamb and took out the ‘Champion’. Congratulations Emma.

At the board meeting this week the board and I looked at achievements to date for 2023. This helps us to create our annual report to New AED—A new AED, funded by the Raglan Community plan for the future and to share with Ministry what our school is doing. Our Annual Report to the Ministry includes data on student progress in Reading, Writing and Maths. Evaluation of our Annual Plan actions is an important part of the cyclic nature of planning. It allows our school board and staff to plan and set steps for the future direction of the school. The board, staff and I will continue to reframe and refine our focuses for 2024. We are guided by our Community Consultation last term and co-design with hapuu. These focuses are all under our Living Curriculum Maahanga over- arching goal and include exciting visions to support student achievement and Te Whare Tapa Whaa for our students. They will continue with initiatives such as Kura Ngaahere, Kura Awa and Kaitiaki Rangatahi (Senior Room programme). It is an exciting and busy time of the year.

Garden to Table—we have become a Garden to Table school. This means that our teachers have access to a new range of resources to support the Mara Kai (Gardens) learning that gets integrated into our classroom programmes. Thanks to Whaingaroa Enviro Centre who covered our subscription for this.

I asked the students what they loved about their teachers. You will be able to read an overview on page 2 of the newsletter. The students shared so many great things, from having stories read to them, to the camps, the maths and the jokes. I said how grateful I was for the great team of teachers we have and the kids did too! Thanks to our team of teachers who provide such quality learning experiences and support our students to be the best they can be.

World Teacher Appreciation Day—on Wednesday I took the time to acknowledge our wonderful teachers.

New AED—A new AED, funded by the Raglan Community Charitable Trust will be available again at school from next week. Thanks to the Charitable Trust for making this happen. They also fund servicing of the AED each year.

Assembly—Week 5—Our great music teacher, Josh, has been working hard with the students. Those who have been involved for longer than a term and who are feeling very brave are going to share a little music piece at our week 5 assembly.

The Senior Room have opted into a Rippa Rugby session on the morning of the 10th November and the Cricket tournament will now not be going ahead.

Te Uku School have informed us of the MOE directed enrolment zone they have to put in place for 2024. More information on page 2 of this newsletter. Waitetuna School currently does not have an enrolment zone so we do not currently see any implications for this but I will be attending the public meeting on the 14th November.

Have a great weekend. Ngaa mihi Amanda and staff

All The Happenings

  • Welcome Constable Thomas—Keeping Ourselves Safe week of 30th Oct—information email went out last week

  • Beach Ed—whole school trip—7th Nov

  • Senior Room—Auckland trip—Weta Workshop—8th Nov

  • Assembly—Fri 11th Nov

  • Diwali—Mon 13th Nov—shared lunch

  • Te Uku School enrolment zone public meeting—Tues 14th Nov—3pm

  • Whole School Marae trip—Wed 15th Nov– am

  • School Athletics—Thurs 16th Nov– from 11.45am

  • Teacher only day—Friday 17th Nov

  • Inter school athletics—Fri 24th Nov School Disco—Thurs 30th Nov—5.30-7pm Lawn

  • Bowls—opt in—year 5-8—1st Dec Board Meeting—5th Dec– 5.30pm

  • Junior Room trip—TBC—11th Dec

  • Final Assembly 13th Dec– from 6pm Reports home—Thurs 14th Dec

  • Last day of the year—Monday 18th Dec– school open for supervision till midday

Rock Climbing dates for Year 7 and 8

  • Mon 6th Nov and

  • Mon 13th- from 2.20pm

  • Sat 19th Nov—10am- 4pm

Te Uku School enrolment scheme

School enrolment scheme consultation As you may be aware, we are developing an amended enrolment scheme for Te Uku School as required by section 72(1) of the Education and Training Act 2020 when overcrowding occurs or is likely to occur. When developing a scheme, we must consult with the boards of other schools that could be affected by the proposed enrolment scheme.

The purpose of an enrolment scheme is to:

  • avoid overcrowding, or the likelihood of over- crowding, at a school

  • ensure that the selection of applicants for en- rolment at a school is carried out in a fair and transparent manner

Te Uku School’s enrolment scheme is being amended because the school is overcrowded, which affects the wellbeing and safety of students and staff.

Following initial consultation with the board of Te Uku School, we have developed a proposed enrolment scheme. A copy of the home zone and details for the scheme can be found on the Ministry of Education web- site at the following link: https://

We will be holding a public consultation meeting in the Te Uku School Hall on the 14th of November 2023 at 3:00pm.

If your board has any feedback on this proposed scheme that it would like us to consider before the scheme is finalised, please provide it to by the 30th of November 2023. From the Te Uku School Board of Trustees


  • Term 1—Starts Wed 7th February and ends Fri 12th April

  • Easter in term time—29th March-2nd April

  • Term 2—Mon 29th April-Fri 5th July— Public holidays in term 2 -Kings birth- day 3rd June, Matariki—28th June

  • Term 3—Mon 22 July—27th Sept

  • Term 4—starts—Mon 14th October— End date—20th Dec—Labour day— 28th October TOD—to be confirmed

Waitetuna Way

Well done to Thorin SELF CONTROL Think before you speak (Is it kind, is it nice, is it necessary?) Manage yourself appropriately in both formal and informal situations Being adaptable when our plans change

Together we are growing the seeds of success Na too manaaki, na tooku manaaki, ka puawai mai nga kaakano



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