Principal’s Update
Kia ora Waitetuna School Whaanau,
Another great week of learning—the Senior Room had another visit from the Engineer from Transpower. I also had the pleasure of showing Principals around Waitetuna School on Monday and Gabrielle from Raglan Naturally. It was a pleasure showing them around. Proud moments being able to show all that we do here. It shows what we can achieve together. This was reiterated when I joined a Zoom with the Minsters of Education this week—Hon, Chris Hipkins and Hon, Jan Tineti shared one of many messages—continuing to take a moment and reflect on what we have achieved and where to next...acknowledging the role everyone has played in getting through the last two and a half years and the support shown. And with this interconnectedness it was great to be able to welcomed Marina from our local hapuu. She joined the Middle Room and they looked at what lives in the river and questioned about what they want to know next. They looked at how the whenua (land) is linked to the wai (water) and planting native seedlings and how this maintains the health of the awa (river).
Meet up with Whaea Lisa—Thursday 25th August—Whaea Lisa will be in class after school for school whanau who weren’t able to meet her during Learning Conferences.
Screen time on a device—I have seen screen time in the news again this week and was asked the question about screen time in class as part of our learning programmes. Each day is different when it comes to screen time and it varies depending on what each class is focussing on at any one time. What is important to note is that teachers ensure there are regular breaks and that there is huge variety in every day. Our students have limits in each block. We mix up the learning so there is a combination of a wide range of learning activities and many conversations to go along with any classroom activity assigned. All classrooms have a clear mix of activities on offer.
REMINDER—Save the Date—Inter School Cross Country competition—Thursday 1st September. This is a school fundraising event and we would appreciate lots of help to make this happen. We provide food for this day so if you can help in the food tent or do some baking to sell. This will all help towards making this day a success and raising some additional funds for our PTA.
PTA Raffle—hopefully you saw the email earlier in the week about the decision to go ahead with a PTA raffle again this year. Do you know of someone that could donate a prize for this? We need a couple more offers please.
Ngaa mihi Amanda
All the Happenings
Inter-School Cross Country—Thursday 1st September—Nachos/Sausages/Baking
Matua Paul in—Waste audit—2nd September
Senior Room—Camp—4th-6th September
Hotdogs—16th September
Board meeting—Tuesday 20th September
Waikato Full Primary Cross country—21st September P/P— 22nd Sept
Kapahaka Festival—Friday 23rd September
Term Dates for 2023
The board approved the following term dates for 2023
Term 1 Thursday 2nd Feb to Thursday 6th April (Waitangi Day Monday 6 February, and Easter: Good Friday– 7th April)
Term 2 Monday 24th April to Friday 30th June (Anzac Day – Tues-day 25 April and Queen’s Birthday – Monday 5 June )
Term 3 Monday 17th July to Friday 22nd September
Term 4 Monday 9th October to Monday 18th December (Labour Day – Monday 23 October)
An Important Reminder
Please note that children are not allowed to stay on the school grounds after school without parent supervision or if they have not been booked into after school care. This is for important health and safety reasons.
Teachers have meetings and preparation to do and cannot be responsible for supervising students.
This does not apply to bus students.
We thank you for your understanding
Te Reo Maori Phrases
Ahiai ma rie— “Good afternoon.”
Pō ma rie— “Good evening.”
Harikōa—“Cheers!” or “Be happy.”
Kia ma kōna—“Eat well”
PTA News
Native seedlings for sale—Poster advertisement should have been received in your inbox—Manuka, Kanuka, Lacebark, and Cabbage trees are still available.
Inter-school Cross Country—1st September—we would appreciate help on this day. If you can help in the food tent we are going to roster people on so you still get to watch your child race.
PTA Raffle—do you know of a business that could donate a prize for our school raffle?
Waitetuna Way
Well done to Ridley & Sunitha for having Aroha: Being kind to others.
Together we are growing the seeds of success
Na tō manaaki, na tōku manaaki, ka puāwai mai nga kākano