Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanau, another eventful week at our school. It began with Cricket sessions and a PTA meeting and ended with the Seniors Planting. It was excellent to see so many parents at our PTA meeting either in person or on Zoom on Monday night. We really appreciate you making time to attend. We had some great conversations about where to direct the fundraising money too. One idea is to support the replacement of a new Senior Play- ground. I currently have funding applications in and if they are successful the PTA have agreed to contribute some fundraising money towards this. I will keep you informed of the progress of these applications. A reminder that our Inter School Cross Country on the 31st August which we host is a major fundraiser for our school. We need your help. A list of jobs will be coming out soon.
The Year 3 to Year 8 students are working on their speeches to share at our school competition next Wednesday 16th August. Parents are welcome to join us. An approximate time frame is as follows -starting at 10am—Yr 3/4 10.30 Yr 5/6 11.30am Yr 7/8s (approximate times). Some students will be sharing their oral presentation in class instead. Check with your child’s teacher if you are not sure. Our Year 1 and 2 students will be sharing theirs at the week 6 assembly—from 2.15pm on Fri 25th August.
The winners of the Yr 5-8 com- petition will be able to go through to the Te Uku School inter school event on Fri 25th August.
Ngaa mihi Amanda and staff
All The Happenings
Health Curriculum—Monday 14th August at 6.30pm
Board Meeting—15th August- 5.30pm
School Speeches—Wed 16th August—starting at 10am—Yr 3/4 10.30 Yr 5/6 11.30am Yr 7/8 (approximate times)
Assembly—Week 6—25th August- Year 1 and 2 students will share an oral presentation
Inter school speeches—25th August at Te Uku School from 10-12.30pm
Rippa Rugby—18th August
School and Interschool Cross Country—Thurs 31st August
Assembly— week 8—8th Sept
Kapa Haka festival—Fri 15th September
Rock Climbing sessions for year 7 and 8—4th , 11th and 18th Sept from 1.30pm
EARLY WARNING—Teacher Only day—Term 4—Friday 17th November
Action Stations—Cricket, Planting
We want to be a Community Food Bowl at Waitetuna School and you can help! There is something for everyone so please join in. Get your hands dirty: Share your enthusiasm with the stu- dents during their regular gardening sessions. 2 hours once a month or more. Cook up kai: Harvest and cook fresh homegrown produce with the students. Plan your favourite seasonal dishes together. Two hours or so when needed. Garden Gnome: Often not seen but so essential. Helping with watering and harvesting during the holidays when we can’t be there. You will be joining a fun supportive team of students, teachers and a food growing mentor from Whaingaroa Environment Centre. We are all learning together.
AG DAY—Calf, Lamb and Goat milk supplies through Te Uku Store. Orders through school get a discount. Email office @waitetuna.school.nz or ring 8255827 if you would like to take advantage of this cheaper school price for your animals. First lot of orders due by 18th August. Delivery to school will be by the end of following week—25th August
18% Grower Calf Meal $42.00 Bay Blenders Calf Milk Powder 20kg $115 Bay Blenders Lamb Milk Powder 10kg $91.00 Bay Blenders Lamb Milk Powder 20kg $148.50 Feed Bottles and Teats available
Waitetuna Way
Confidence Well done to Lila&Ben Being brave enough to take risks Believe in yourself Develop resilience to bounce back from difficulties
Together we are growing the seeds of success
Na too manaaki, na tooku manaaki, ka puawai mai nga kaakano