Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanau,
Book Week
what a fun week celebrating reading! Thank you Waitetuna School whānau for all of your support this week. Sales have topped $2,000 and we receive 30% of that back to purchase books for our school. Yahoo!
New Zealand curriculum draft review
This is an exciting opportunity as our country’s school curriculum is up for review. You are able to read about what this looks like at this link and provide your thoughts. If any members of our whānau or community want to review the content online and give us their feedback, you can complete this survey at this link — Survey for everyone
Playground additions
We are excited to let you know that the Lotteries Commission agreed to giving us funds to ‘top up’ our Meridian funding and to support an extension of the Senior playground. We are working to get these installed over the school holidays but it maybe into term 1 also.
Ngaa mihi Amanda and staff.
All the Happenings
Board Meeting—15th November
Karioi Project in—17th November
Cricket Festival—Year 5-8—18th November—RAS
Waitetuna Trail Run—Saturday 19th November
School Athletics day—21st November—from 11am
Interschool athletics—25th November
Middle Room—Awa trip—29th November
Board Meeting—6th December
Final assembly—Wed 14th December—6pm—whole school event– shared kai after the event, please bring a plate.
Last day of 2022—Friday 16th December—School closes at 1pm.
Action Stations - Awa Testing
The Senior Room students wanted to return to a local stream to test water quality. The students were very excited to see what they could discover and compare data from previous years. Thanks Whaea Ali for making this happen. Our local curriculum alive and well.
Term Dates 2023
Term 1 Thursday 2nd Feb to Thursday 6th April (Waitangi Day Monday 6 February, and Easter: Good Friday– 7th April)
Term 2 Monday 24th April to Friday 30th June (Anzac Day – Tuesday 25 April and Queen’s Birthday – Monday 5 June )
Term 3 Monday 17th July to Friday 22nd September
Term 4 Monday 9th October to Monday 18th December (Labour Day – Monday 23 October)
Waitetuna Way Well done to Ridley V, Toby B For Creativity Use your imagination to develop ideas.
One week to go until the Trail Run.
Baking for the event—please email or let me know if you can do baking for the event. We are catering for nearly 300 runners so need plenty.
Can you help with set up on Friday 18th—324 Waitetuna Valley Road? From 5pm please.
Together we are growing the seeds of success
Na too manaaki, na tooku manaaki, ka puawai mai nga kaakano