Principal’s Update
Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanau,
Staff and I would like to thank you all for the continued sup-port and vigilance you are taking with keeping students at home if unwell. It is certainly a team effort and testament to the community for keeping this virus at bay within our school. If you and your family or anyone you know needs any support of any kind please let us know. We can help. Email me or your child’s teacher and we can get groceries or other supplies delivered. Please let us know. It has been a wonderful week of learning with Nicky and Har-old from Life Education. We had a wonderful surprise at the end of the last week when Nicky let us know she could stay with us for an extra day. Nicky loves coming to Waitetuna School and has been trialling some new lessons with us. Students have been excited about the learning in the Life Ed truck and Nicky has always presented many important mes-sages and learning in such a fun way. Kia ora Nicky for a fantastic week. Swimming sports and TRYathlon events—You will see in the guidance below that we have planned for the students in each class to do their displays/events in their age groups. Parents are invited down to view their child’s events. See times below. Please view from the fence please with a mask on and sign in. We will also endeavour to live stream the swimming events in the Senior swimming event on Wednesday 9th and Thursday 10th March.
We also had great sessions with Jan-Marie on Thursday—film making, cartoon-ing, websites making, values slide presenta-tions and navigating chrome-books—what a great opportunity we have making the most of the Ministry Professional learning with Jan-Marie com-ing into classes. Have a great week-end.
Stay safe, Kia kaha, Amanda
All The Happenings
Junior Room swimming display—Wednesday 9th March—parents please view from the fence with masks on and sign in.
Swimming for Middle and Senior Room—Thursday 10th March - each class will have their own designated area around the swimming pool and will remain seated and social distanced, with masks on where ap-propriate when not swimming.
Parents to be viewing from outside the fence.
1.10pm - Year 3’s
1.20pm - 8 year olds
1.30pm - 9 year olds
1.40pm - Senior room
TRYathlon - Thursday 17th March - 11am—in year groups - Please note times—7mins for bike and run and 10 min swim for Seniors
5min bike, 5min run and 10 min swim for Middle Room
5min bike, run, swim for Junior Room
Year 7 and 8—11.00
Year 5 and 6—11.20
Year 3 and 4—11.40
Year 1 and 2—12.00
Bikes in from the 7th March
There will hopefully be a live stream trophy presentation - Trophies are presented for effort on the day—two people who did their best will be acknowledged in each year level.
‘I am Hope’
‘I am Hope’ came to talk to the Senior Room students on Thurs-day afternoon. Their messages focused on looking after mental health and links well to Te Whare Tapa Wha focus this year. It is so im-portant that these organisa-tions get a chance to come into school. Thanks to ‘I am Hope’ for making time to come to Waitetuna School.
Chicken Burgers for sale—Friday 11th March—$3.50
Vegetarian and Gluten free options—$4.50
Waitetuna Way
Well done to Sofia Tovio-Smith and Emma Berejoni for setting your own goals and striving to achieve them!