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Newsletter - Week 5, Term 1 2023

Writer: AmandaAmanda

Principal’s Update

Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanau, Thank you for supporting the teachers to have their Paid Union Meeting on Monday. Your continued support of the teachers and ensuring we have improved conditions in school supports all students learning. Further action is likely so we appreciate your ongoing support as Primary teachers and Principals navigate this. I will keep you informed on this as soon as I am updated.

I had such positive feedback about our students at the Get-Set-Go day, thank you Travis, Richard and parents for making this happen.

We had a special day on Tuesday thinking about the Hawkes Bay community. We raised $227.40 towards the Mayoral Fund.

Progressive Achievement Tests

The year 4-8 students have begun their PAT testing. This is a once a year series of tests, for Mathematics, Reading Comprehension, Reading Vocabulary, Punctuation and Grammar and Science. The Year 3 students complete a Listening Comprehension test.

These tests give our teachers very useful information that helps to inform their planning and student next steps in learning.New Zealand teachers use a variety of tests to determine what level students are at, what progress they are making, and where they may need extra help. Progressive Achievement Tests, commonly known as PATs, are one of the sets of tests schools use.

PATs are multiple-choice tests designed to help teachers determine what kinds of teaching materials are needed and which methods or programmes are most suitable for their students. PATs are also important because they identify the progress a student is making from year to year. It is also important to note that these tests have been updated since we sat them.


You may have seen the Ministry campaign around Attendance—Everyday Counts—As a school we appreciate that you send your children to school for learning and your child is kept at home if unwell. We want to continue to reiterate the importance of ‘Everyday Counts’. Attendance research states that a child who attends 90% of school has better educational outcomes.

Kia pai ō rā whakatā — Have a great weekend. Noho ra, Amanda and staff

All The Happenings

  • Cricket sessions continue—7th March

  • Assembly—Friday week 5—3rd March—2.15pm

  • Senior Room—Pirongia Lodge trip—6th March

  • School swimming sports—Monday 13th March

  • Junior Room camp—school overnighter—DATE MOVED—30th/31st March

  • Interschool Swimming—20th March

  • Science Roadshow—Senior Room—22nd March

  • Bikes to school for Tryathlon training—20th March Tryathlon—Thurs 23rd March starting from 1pm—11/12 yrs will start soon after 1pm.

  • Assembly—Friday—week 8—24th March School Photos—Tues—28th March

  • Interschool Softball tournament—31st March Last day Term 1—Thursday 6th April

  • Good Friday—Friday 7th April

Great week of happenings

Message from the Police

Police are aware of an incident which took place in Hamilton on Wednesday where a young person was approached by an unknown male and offered a ride home. Police are investigating this matter and believe it is timely to remind Parents and their children to ensure they know what to do should a situation like this arise. We’re all responsible for keeping children safe in our families and communities and it’s also important for children to know how to identify unsafe behaviour and what to do if they feel unsafe. The following link provides some useful information to help parents have conversations with their children. personal-community/keeping-safe/ children-safe


Have you signed in to get Seesaw updates? This site is part of our reporting to parents. Teachers and students share learning on this site. The focus is usually around Inquiry/Topic learning and can include any curriculum area. Watch out for the login details in your inbox or please get in contact with your child's teacher if you are unsure.

Waitetuna Way

Well done Layla & Tai for showing Respect Celebrate your own and others success Show respect for myself and others (courtesy) Respect for our school equipment Show respect by actively listening to others Show respect for our environment



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