Principal’s Update
Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanau, the students have done very well with the wet week we have had. When we did have a fine weather the Seniors began running some break time activities and this has been a popular option. The Middle Room got to sample these first.
Some of the Senior Enviro group started potting native seeds and seedlings for storing in our Greenhouse.
Paid Union Meeting notification—NZEI—the Union for teachers have notified the Board of upcoming paid union meetings for teachers. These meetings, which are in school hours, are part of the teachers collective agreement. Our teachers have their meeting after lunch on Monday 13th June. We would appreciate it if you can pick up your child/ren at 1pm on Monday 13th June. We will have cover if you are unable to do so.
Speed reduction outside Waitetuna School—it is very good news that we have been notified that new signs will be erected outside our school so that speed will be reduced to 40km an hour. This will be for drop off and pick up times. We are pleased that our submission on this was heard and that these changes are immenient. They are long overdue but it is great that they are finally being made. The signs should be in place over the next three-four months.
Waitetuna Trail Run—continued call for help—remember many hands make light work. If you are contemplating being able to give some time to helping making this event happen for our school. No job too small—please give Julie Ormond a text or a call on 0272725502.
Matariki—we are hoping for fine weather so we can enjoy Matariki shared kai together outside. If your invitation does not arrive home you are invited to join us at 12.30pm on the 22nd June. Please can you supply your child with a plate of food for shared kai.
Have a wonderful long weekend.
Ngaa mihi
Te Reo Maaori phrase
Kia tere—Hurry up!
All The Happenings
Queen’s Birthday—Monday 6th June
Looking to Lead—10th June—Year 8’s organised tabloid activities for our Year 3-7 students
School Disco—10th June—5.30- 7pm—theme—Super Heroes and Villi-ans. Gold coin entry and food items and juice boxes will be available for purchase—$2
Next assembly planned for Friday 17th June
Karioi Project visit to school—Tuesday 21st June—am
Matariki shared kai - Wed 22nd June—12.15pm
Matariki—public holiday— 24th June
Thursday 30th June—Tough Guy/Gal challenge
Ki-o-rahi—Year 7 and 8’s—Friday 1st July
Science Roadshow—Thursday 7th July—Senior Room
Waitetuna Way
Olive and Joel
Creativity—showing creativity across all learning areas and in play.