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Newsletter - Week 6, Term 1

Writer: AmandaAmanda

Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanau, we started the week with a visit from Whaingaroa Enviro

centre. They were sharing the messages on protecting the Maui dolphin (Popoto). All the

best to the community for this event. Waitetuna school is not participating this year

but will hopefully be able to next year. Get your thinking caps on for a recycled raft race

idea. They have asked if a photo can be placed on their website about their visit to

Waitetuna School. Let me know if you do not want this to happen.

The junior room were certainly practising this with their Boat building and the science of floating last week. Great future America Cup boat builders in the making.

Our thoughts are with Jennie Cursons and her family at this time. Thanks for your understanding around Before School care. Before School care is starting up again on Monday morning.

And I know you would have taken a moment to acknowledge New Zealand's muslim community and the tragic events of Monday 15th March two years ago. Aroha nui

Inter school swimming sports action - it was a pleasure taking our students to inter school swimming and great to see them perform so well yesterday at Ngaruawahia against our cluster schools. Ngaa mihi nui to parents who helped with transport and other aspects to make this such a great day for our students.

Thank you for supporting our Teacher/Staff only day on Monday. I look forward to sharing our learning with you.

Waitetuna Way this week goes to - Aryan Kereopa & Ruby Bateman for Confidence. Believe in yourself. Be brave and take risks.

I came across this article about sleep – something many people desire more of, an improved quality night's rest. All over the western world, people are suffering from chronic sleep deficiency. Here is a reminder about making sure all of us, children and adults alike get enough sleep.

In terms of brain function and productivity sleep is really important. A lack of quality sleep lowers a person’s focus, impedes decision making and increases mood swings. And that is just the start! Ask any parent who has a colicky baby that has kept them up for several nights in a row, to choose from two simple choices and it feels like a scholarship exam!

Eric Edmeades, founder of Wildfit, teaches about the 8 basic needs of humans. The first 3 (in order of importance for the body & brain) are good quality air, natural water for hydration and sleep. Sleep at the number three position might have surprised you as most people predict food to be third on the list – it’s actually number six!

Your brain and body perform amazing feats while you sleep. These include:

  • physical repair

  • burning off fat from the day’s activities

  • fighting inflammation, infection and trauma

  • digestion

  • sorting of the day’s memories

  • creation of long-term memories

  • memory enhancement

  • memory integration

  • problem solving

  • ridding toxic waste

  • cell repair

  • energy is recharged (almost like a battery)

The brain works on approximate 90 mins cycles (circadian rhythms) throughout the day and night. At night, as an adult, it is recommended to get 5 full cycles of sleep, while teenagers may require 6-7 cycles for great body and brain function. This may involve going to bed earlier to fit all these cycles in. Dr Greg Wells and Dr Daniel Amen, both prolific brain researchers, talk about the first three cycles being when the brain processes the learning from the day, memory enhancement and memory integrations. The last two cycles are when creativity and problem solving happens. Have you ever woken up with clarity about a troubling problem? Your brain was working on it while you were asleep. Children between 5-13 years old need around 10-11 hours sleep. There are many reasons people may not be getting enough sleep and one key factor is increased use of technology and phones. Here are tips, in relation to technology use, to achieving a better night’s sleep.

Tip 1: No technology in the bedroom

Tip 2: Turn your phone/technology off 30 mins before sleep

Have a great weekend.

Nga mihi nui, Amanda



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