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Newsletter - Week 6, Term 1 2023

Writer: AmandaAmanda

Principal’s Update


Our weekly sessions are back underway and thanks to our new Kapahaka tutor—Te Kura—she is very enthusiastic about this role and she has also taken on some teacher aide hours too. Nau mai haere mai Te Kura.

Pirongia Lodge trip

What a wonderful venue and a great group of children Whaea Ali and I got to take. Kate emailed me on Monday night to say what a great bunch! I wholeheartedly agreed. A big shout out to Kate at the lodge and to the great parents who helped make this camp happen. I was able to attend the Waikato Principal Association conference. Thanks to the Ministry funding my attendance of this event. It is an essential part of my Professional learning and the first once I have been able to attend thanks to Covid. So in my fourth year I was able to extend my connections and learning from other Principals is invaluable which was invaluable. One of the presenters was Dr Logan Williams—he shared his inspiring journey of entrepreneur- ship and really pushed that ‘Everyone is an Inventor’.

At 5pm last night, I, along with all other school Principals and Boards throughout the country were notified that Primary teachers, Secondary teachers, Area School teachers and Principals, and Primary School Principals (who are members of our union) will be striking on 16th March. This is strike action by 50,000 educators. Educators have carefully considered the offers from government. Members feel strongly that current funding is not adequate to provide the best education for our tamariki. There will be super- vision at school if you require this. Please see attached flyer for further detail around this strike. PLEASE NOTE— BUSES WILL NOT BE RUNNING.

Noho ra, Amanda and staff

All The Happenings

  • School swimming sports—Monday 13th March, 1pm start


  • Interschool Swimming—20th March

  • Science Roadshow—Senior Room—22nd March

  • Bikes to school for Tryathlon training—20th March Tryathlon—Thurs 23rd March—starting from 1pm—11/12 yrs will start soon after 1pm.

  • Assembly—Friday—week 8—24th March School Photos—Tues—28th March

  • Junior Room camp—school overnighter—DATE MOVED—30th/31st March

  • Interschool Softball tournament—31st March

  • Last day Term 1—Thursday 6th April Good Friday—Friday 7th April

Thanks Nerolie

This is Nerolie’s final week with us for now). Student teacher’s learning in schools is an essential component of pre-service education and we welcome student teachers at Waitetuna School. So Nerolie we have valued your input, you have given us lots of great stretch moves to practise and we know you will be back.


Have you signed in to get Seesaw updates? This site is part of our reporting to parents. Teachers and students share learning on this site. The focus is usually around Inquiry/Topic learning and can include any curriculum area. Watch out for the login details in your inbox or please get in contact with your child's teacher if you are unsure.

Waitetuna Way

Well done, Bella B & Sybil for showing, Respect

Celebrate your own and others success Show respect for myself and others (courtesy) Respect for our school equipment Show respect by actively listening to others Show respect for our environment

Na too manaaki, na tooku manaaki, ka puaawai mai nga kaakano Together we are growing the seeds of success



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