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Newsletter - Week 6, Term 2 2022

Writer: AmandaAmanda

Principal’s Update

Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanau,

If you have managed to miss the winter bugs so far that have al-ready struck a number of families then you have been lucky. We continue to emphasise the importance of hand-washing and other ways of disease prevention at this time.

We have had three Covid cases in our school this week. Two are linked to the Middle Room. One case had been away a number of days prior to being symptomatic. The other case was at school on Wednesday before testing positive on Thursday. We were also notified of a confirmed case in the Junior Room overnight.

Disco postponement— we sadly made the call to postpone the disco. We will let you know a postponement date as soon as we can.

REMINDER—Paid Union Meeting notification—MONDAY 12th JUNE—Early finish. NZEI—the Union for teachers have notified the Board of upcoming paid union meetings for teachers. These meetings, which are in school hours, are part of the teachers col-lective agreement. Our teachers have their meeting after lunch on Monday 13th June. We would appreciate it if you can pick up your child/ren at 1pm on Monday 13th June. We will have cover if you are unable to do so. Buses will be running as usual.

Waitetuna Trail Run—thank you so much to the people who have offered their services to help make the trail run happen this year. This is a continued call for help—remember many hands make light work. If you are contemplating being able to give some time to helping making this event happen for our school. No job too small—please give Julie Ormond a text or a call on 0272725502.

Reminder—Matariki—we are hoping for fine weather so we can enjoy Matariki shared kai together outside. If your invitation does not arrive home you are invited to join us at 12.30pm on the 22nd June. Please can you supply your child with a plate of food for shared kai.

Kiwi Pies Friday Lunch—17th June—pre-orders needed by Tuesday 15th — hot pie options are Mince, Steak and Cheese—$4—Butter Chicken, Vege and Gluten free —$4.20

Have a wonderful weekend. Go the Chiefs!

Ngaa mihi

Amanda and staff

All The Happenings

  • Looking to Lead—10th June—Year 8’s organised tabloid activities for our Year 3-7 students

  • Teacher Paid Union Meeting—Monday 13th June—1.30-2.30pm—If children can be picked up at 1pm we would be most grateful

  • School Disco—Postponed—5.30-7pm—theme—Super Heroes and Villians.

  • School lunches—Kiwi Pie for lunch—$4.00—Mince and Steak n Cheese or Butter Chicken, Vege and G/F—$4.20

  • Next assembly planned for Friday 17th June—we will keep you informed on this based on Covid situation

  • Karioi Project visit to school—Tuesday 21st June—am

  • Matariki shared kai - Wed 22nd June—12.30pm

  • Matariki—public holiday— 24th June

  • Thursday 30th June—Tough Guy/Gal challenge

  • Ki-o-rahi—Year 7 and 8’s—Friday 1st July

  • Science Roadshow—Thursday 7th July—Senior Room

Senior Room Poetry

Te Tuna

EEL Life Cycle

My journey starts at a warm golden beach,

A long way from home, but maybe in reach.

Fighting against the strong currents, week after week,

Going back home to rest in my nice gloomy creek.

And there I will stay for a number of years,

In this stream with murky gray tears.

Observing nature's transitions here in the drain,

Nearly time for Tonga, to cycle again.

- Finn

Waking up in the valley

Pirongia barely in the distance

Fog surrounds

Pirongia fading

Rays of sun blinding

Birds singing

Wind blowing

Autumn leaves dancing

Fog becomes light

Pirongia’s now within sight.

- Emma

Te Reo Maaori phrases

Kia ora tātou/kia ora koutou - Hello everyone.

Tēnā koutou - Greetings to you (said to three or more people)

Nau mai, haere mai - Welcome.

Kei te pēhea koe? - How are you?

Waitetuna Way

Asia Rose and Camille Creativity: showing creativity across all learning areas and in play.

Together we are growing the seeds of success

Na tō manaaki, na tōku manaaki, ka puāwai mai nga kākano



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