Principal’s Update
Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanau, I have had a very interesting week. I started the week in Tamaki Makaurau listening to world renowned Garth William sharing his take on formative assessment. Ensuring we give good feedback that causes thinking and being self reflec- tive is essential. We work hard as a school to create collaborative learners, as working with and learning from their peers is hugely powerful and important. Garth talked a lot about students being accountable and understanding positive interdependence. This also emphasized the importance of schools continually developing an adaptive, broad and balanced curriculum. We certainly continue to strive to do this at Waitetuna School.
What we also know in education is that technology will continue to evolve exponentially and our students need to be able to adapt accordingly. I see this as an exciting thing, as our students need to be resilient and prepared to change, and we constantly work with students on this. The continued need for ‘soft skills’ and being a creative problem solver has not changed even with Artificial Intelli- gence (A.I) tools developing at a fast pace. Garth shared ‘We need to produce people who know how to act when they’re faced with situations for which they were not specifically prepared’. (Papert, 1998) This was a quote that is from a researcher last century but still a highly relevant one. The learning from Monday is also linked to our draft Health Curriculum. I have shared the slides with a number of families now. Thanks for getting in contact.
Some of the feedback I have had is that families see the importance of our health curriculum being explicitly linked to student self-belief. They need to believe in themselves and be able to be resilient and build healthy relationships with others. This is an essential part of our Health Curriculum. The Sexuality aspect of the curriculum is minimal and encompasses 2-3 hours of learning every 2-3 years. The teachers are very adept at deciding on what is appropriate for age and stage.
Life Education—Abby Miles our life educator was at our staff meeting this week to plan with us. if you have any questions for her or myself get in contact. The Seniors programme is focused on an overview of relationships and puberty. Our Middle Room is looking at ‘Kindness to Others and Empathy’ and our Junior Room is ‘Growing a friend’, Above and below the line—accepting others and ourselves. There will a booklet coming home with activities to go over.
INTER SCHOOL CROSS COUNTRY—31st August—there are dona- tions coming in and some offers of help—more is needed please- making beef and vege nacho mix, setting up on Wednesday even- ing (if forecast good), serving in the food tent on Thurs 31st. I spent the day in Wellington working with the MOE and other Principals of small rural schools on Tuesday. We are working on creating a blueprint to support schools such as ours. We hope to continue to action what would help small schools like ours to be even better. It was great to be given this opportunity to support the great places that are schools like ours.
All The Happenings
Raglan Area School—open morning—30 August—9-11am
School and Interschool cross country—Thurs 31st August
PTA Meeting—Mon 4th Sept— 7pm
Assembly— week 8—8th Sept
Kapa Haka festival—Fri 15th September
Rock Climbing sessions for year 7 and 8—4th , 11th and 18th Sept from 1.30pm
Life Ed—18th and 19th September
Reminder— Teacher Only day—Term 4— Friday 17th November
Action Stations—Inter School Speeches
Congratulations to our Inter School Speech participants. This event was also a semi final for the Waikato Full Primary Competition, which involves schools from further afield coming together for this regional event. All speeches were of a very high quality. It was a difficult decision for the judges.
PTA News
Inter School Cross Country—31st August What have you put your name down for? Baking, cooking nacho mince? PTA Meeting—September 4th—7pm
School and Inter School Country Race Times 10:10am - 5 year old girls
10: 30—6 year old girls
10.50—7 year old girls
11:15—8 year old girls
11:35—9 year old girls
12:00 - 10 year old girls
12:20—11 year old girls
12:40—12/13 year old girls
10: 20—5 year old boys
10: 40—6 year old boys
11:00—7 year old boys
11:25—8 year old boys
11.45—9 year old boys
12:10—10 year old boys
12:30—11 year old boys
12.50—12/13 year old boys
We want to be a Community Food Bowl at Waitetuna School and you can help! There is something for everyone so please join in.
Get your hands dirty: Share your enthusiasm with the students during their regular gardening sessions. 2 hours once a month or more.
Cook up kai: Harvest and cook fresh homegrown produce with the students. Plan your favourite seasonal dishes together. Two hours or so when needed.
Garden Gnome: Often not seen but so essential. Helping with watering and harvesting during the holidays when we can’t be there.
You will be joining a fun supportive team of students, teachers and a food growing mentor from Whaingaroa Environment Cen- tre. We are all learning together. Email food@whaingaroa.org.nz or principal@waitetuna.school.nz Inter School Cross Country on the 31st August which we host is a major fundraiser for our school. We need your help. A list of jobs will be coming out soon. When you place your name down we will ensure you can still watch your child’s race. Cross country approx. race times - 9:45 am - Official Welcome Racing begins: 10:00am Preschool