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Newsletter - Week 6, Term 3 2024

Writer: AmandaAmanda

Principal’s Update

Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanau,

It has been a very different kind of week this week, with both Amanda and Travis attending whanau events overseas. We are very fortunate to have amazing relievers, and our classrooms have been humming this week, with all the regular classwork continuing as normal. Well done to the Year 5 and 6 students who attended the speech competition at Te Uku on Thursday—Emma Moss and Sybil Quinn. Emma did exceedingly well, coming away with first equal—tino pai Emma!

Support Staff Day—officially celebrated across New Zealand on 29th August, we are acknowledging our wonderful support staff on Monday. With only 3 teaching staff and a Principal, the majority of our staff are considered ‘support’ staff. In reality we know that our school would not be able to operate without them. They all go above and beyond to provide

a safe and caring environment for all our tamariki, and we want to say a huge THANK YOU to each and every one of them.

Nga mihi, Robyn

All the Happenings

Term 3:

  • Y7 & 8 Speeches—Rotokauri School –6pm for selected students — Wed 4th September

  • Assembly—Fri 13th September 2:15pm

  • PTA Meeting—Mon 16th September 7:30pm

Term 4:

  • Waitetuna School’s Ag Day—Tues 15th October

  • Group Day at Te Mata School—Fri 18th October

  • Labour Day—28th October

  • Teacher Only Day—15th November

Action Stations

The Senior Room being our Student Army on Wednesday. Thanks tamariki! The Junior Room have been learning about weather this week, and made some colourful windsocks to take.

PTA News

A huge thanks to all those who donated ingredients, baking and especially time for our Cross Country Food Tent on Thursday. We made approximately $4000, so the big effort

was worth it! Watch this space: tamariki have been preparing some calendar art, which can be used not only for calendars but greeting cards and more. Great present ideas for whanau! We will be taking orders from next term. The next PTA meeting is on Monday 16th September. One of the ideas we will be discussing is the possibility of a Quiz Night. If this is something you are interested in or could help

Together we are growing the seeds of success

Na too manaaki, na tooku manaaki, ka puawai mai nga kaakano



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