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Newsletter - week 6, term 4, 2021

Writer: AmandaAmanda

Kia ora Waitetuna whaanau,

What beautiful weather we are experiencing at the moment. It is lovely to see children outside enjoying the sunshine and playing alongside their peers. Thanks Richard for getting the pool up and running early. Classrooms are full of energy as they immerse themselves back into learning programmes.

Covid update

At this stage, we have little information about how education looks at the various traffic lights. However, it looks like schools will operate at each ‘light’ with increasing public health measures at each ‘light’. I will let you know more when I can. The Ministry of Education has been working closely with the Ministry of Health to plan in the event that there is a confirmed case at a school. We have been fortunate so far to not have had a confirmed case, other schools have not been so lucky. Detailed planning has been shared around this with Principals. If we do get a confirmed case at our school then the MoH would work with staff and I to identify close contacts, casual plus contacts and the MoH would be in contact with you. If you are not deemed one of these contacts you will then receive generalised information. The MoH would also look at the person’s infectious period and whether

they were deemed to be infectious at school and who had direct contact with the confirmed case.

Ag Day results were presented and it was great to be able to go live on our Waitetuna School Facebook page. See below for results.

Reporting to Parents

The Ministry of Education requires schools to report to parents on their child's learning in writing twice yearly. Due to the time spent at home our usual reporting methods for assessing your child have not been able to go ahead, and with only 4 weeks to go teachers and I have planned an alternative way of reporting. We spoke to the board about this at the board meeting last week and they agreed that this option was suitable to use. This

adjusted format for this term still reflects the students learning across the New Zealand curriculum but with a key competencies report. We have been working on a report which acknowledges students achievements and their ability to demonstrate the key competencies. Due to the time spent at home the board and staff wanted to give

parents the opportunity to share their thoughts. You will receive an email from me about this and you can email myself or your child's teacher your thoughts about your child's learning and we will include this in your child's report.

Mural preparation is underway

We are very excited to see the preparation for a new replacement mural after months of planning behind the scenes with happy and the boards and students thank you Abby and Emnah for your hours of work in the build up to this starting we look forward to seeing it takes shape we are very grateful to the creative communities funds at The Waikato District Council for approving my application for some funds for this to go ahead

Last week of term

We have been working on plans for the last week of the year. We know that this is a special time especially for our year 8 students and we have had to think very carefully about how to implement a plan that meets current restrictions but still acknowledges our year 8s as best we can. On Tuesday 14th November at 6pm we will have a final assembly at school. Senior room students and their siblings and parents (masked) are invited. We will be

outside for this. Please RSVP numbers so I can ensure we meet these requirements. Email to

Our Waitetuna Way this week goes to: Blake Hauraki-Ireland and Ella Davey for Gratitude for being open and honest with yourself and others.

Our school raffle

As you will hopefully have seen in your inbox, we have a school raffle with great prizes up for grabs. It is the intention that the tickets are sold as online tickets. Let us know if you need any help though and may require some paper copy tickets.

Before and After School Care

Please note that before and after school care is available. Please email the office if you require this.

Dates for rest of year

  • Afternoon of athletics activities - we will try and live stream some of these activities - date TBC

  • Water fun day - Thursday 9th December

  • Friday lunch - American hot dogs - 10th December

  • Final assembly for senior room - Tuesday 14th December - 6.00pm

  • Last day of the year - Friday 17th December - school closes at 1pm

NEXT CHAPTER PARENTING offering Individual, or group, PARENTING SESSIONS via Zoom. Eight one hourly zoom sessions, weekly at a time convenient to you, available

evenings. Topics covered include Communication, Empathy, Setting Limits, Quality Time, Consequences, Choices, Redirection, Problem Behaviour, Praise vs Acknowledgement, Time In vs Time Out, The Pause, Erickson’s Stages of Growth, Personality Types and how it affects your children. WINZ funding assistance where eligible.


Term 1

Thursday 3rd Feb (100 half days)

Thursday 14th April: School is closed on Easter Friday 15/04

Term 2

Mon 2nd May (96 half days)

Friday 8th July: (9 weeks 4 days) School is closed Mon 06/06 during school time because of Queen’s Birthday public holiday and Matariki Friday 24/06

Term 3

Mon 25th July (100 half days)

Friday 30th September: (10 weeks) No public holidays during Term 3.

Term 4 Mon 17 Oct ( 88 half days )

Friday 16th December School closed 24th October - Labour Day

Ag day results - Lambs: Congratulations to everyone who participated in our online Ag day.


Most Obvious Pet (calling) 1st: Bella 2nd:Camille 3rd: Axel

Leading: 1st: Bella 2nd: Axel 3rd: Camille

Rearing, Early: 1st: Bella 2nd: Axel

Late: 1st Camille


Most Obvious Pet: 1st: Theo 2nd equal: Jethro and Toby 3rd: Senna

Leading: 1st:Jethro 2nd equal Senna and Toby 3rd: Theo

Rearing, Early: 1st: Jethro

Late: 1st: Theo 2nd equal: Toby and Senna


Most Obvious Pet: 1st: Alister 2nd equal: Layla and Xander 3rd: Emma

Leading: 1st: Emma 2nd Layla 3rd: Alister 4th: Xander

Rearing, Early: 1st: Xander 2nd: Emma 3rd: Layla

Late: 1st: Alister

Love your Pet section:

Amazing entries from Jasmine, Ridley, Kaia and Harlow - excellent presentation from all of you.

‘Mou’vember - staff are sending out a reminder to dads(and mums) to go and get a health check and make sure you ask for help if you need it.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Ngaa mihi nui, Amanda



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