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Newsletter - Week 7, Term 1

Writer: AmandaAmanda

I would like to start by saying a huge congratulations to Connor Marquand for getting the Head boy role at Raglan Area School. What an exciting year ahead for you. Isn’t it wonderful to see the amazing achievements of our ex-students.

Thank you for supporting our Teacher Only day on Monday. It feels like a real privilege to be working with Lisa Rapana with her connections to Aramiro Paa. We spent the morning as a whole staff sharing in 'Special Places, Special People'. We are on an exciting learning journey with this. It was great to have all staff join us for delving into ‘The Art of Storying’. Everyone brings their own stories and we want all of our students to have opportunities to

share these and also acknowledge, know and understand stories of the whenua, awa, streams, moana and maunga in the area.

Ngaa mihi nui to Lisa Rapana and Jan-Marie Kellow for their mahi with us. This work directly links in our Local curriculum and we will continue this journey with their support.

Jan-Marie also returned to Waitetuna School on Wednesday and the staff and students had wonderful sessions, the seniors working on My Maps, using Google maps to help them to show their ‘Special Places’ and places they would like to visit. The middle room students got to create comic books on Book Creator, which is an excellent integrated tool and the students spent the session with comic pages and putting photos, speech bubbles into sections,this also included art and writing and great visual language skills in play. The junior room got to create moving images on junior scratch.

Our Environmental Education is taking shape for 2021, the ‘Community Foodbowl’ vision and plans for our school are continuing to develop. An aerial photo was taken last week which will help us plan and make decisions on the direction for this. The board discussed this at the board meeting this week. I will let you know when a plan is up in the staff room so you can come and have a look. Let me know what you think.

Waitetuna Way this week goes to - Layla Abbott and Ridley Von Ridley for your amazing determination and learning.

Great effort Sofia and Jasmine who represented Waitetuna at the Waikato full primary swimming. Congratulations on representing Waitetuna School so well.

School closed - Easter Friday, Easter Monday and Easter Tuesday

Teacher Only day - 16th April (last day of the term)

Try-athlon - we are looking forward to this event on Monday. Starting from 11am - the year 7 and 8 students will start first, then the year 6 group, followed by year 3, then year 4/5s, and year 1 and 2 to finish. The students are striving to beat their personal best as they have set goals in the classroom. There will be a prize giving after a break for lunch.

Ngaa mihi nui,

Amanda and staff



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