Principal’s Update
Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanau,
I think that being out in our wonderful environment is more important than ever. There are some great examples of this in our newsletter today. Getting children outside, which they love, is such a great way to maintain our wellbeing. The Junior Room couldn’t go down to Totara Grove but went on a bug hunt at school instead last Friday. Manu came in and did some mahi in our gardens with our senior students. We have lettuces, coriander, silver beet along with kumara, tomatoes and cucumber.
Covid information—I do not want to overload you with more information but if you need any information in rela-tion to covid and talking with your children about this then this website has the latest up-to-date information.
Only 4 new cases of Covid at school this week and it has been great being able to welcome a number of families back from isolation. This is also a trend where numbers are dropping across the wider community. We look forward to welcoming more families back next week.
There is also a local 0800 number that you can ring if you need any support or have any questions about Covid. 0800 RAGLAN—see advert on page 2.
Lee from ERO joined our Evaluation Team on Tuesday (via Zoom) to begin the shared creation of a Profile Report. As a school we are continually reflecting and reviewing what is happening in our school and how we can improve. In 2020 I asked the school community, during learning conferences, what they thought our school did well. At the time some of the things you mentioned appreciating were the great little country school feel including the rela-tionships that staff developed because of this, the oppor-tunities provided for the students and ‘The Arts’ in our school. Could you please share your thoughts with me on our school strengths. What do we do well? What are our strengths? We will be using this to create our Profile Report with the Education Review Office. This is part of the new on going review cycle we have with ERO, which all schools are part of. Please email principal@waitetuna.school.nz Ngaa mihi nui, Amanda and staff
All The Happenings
Monday 21st March—Surfing—Senior Room
Hotdogs—Friday lunch—25th March—$3.50 or gluten free and vegetarian—$4.50
Year 8’s—Looking to Lead Programme—with Waikato Insti-tute of Sport—at school—25th March
School Photos—29th March– forms should be out for this early next week. Courier delivery of the photo forms had been delayed.
Karioi Project have postponed our session due to staffing shortages.
TRYATHLON—DUE TO THE WEATHER COOLING OFF and Karioi project postponing we have moved TRYATHLON FORWARD TO THURSDAY 24th MARCH. Times—Year 7 and 8—1pm Year 5 and 6—1.20pm Year 3 and 4—1.40pm Year 1 and 2—2pm
Funding applications
I am pleased to say I was successful with an application to Aotearoa Gaming for rugby field lines being painted and a porta-ble padder tennis net and stand. We have also applied to Me-ridian for additional fitness/recreational play equipment to place by the Senior Playground. I have also included as a third page an information sheet about Fortnite. Useful to know what happens in games such as these.
Waitetuna Way
Well done to Anitha Van Zyl for Determination Setting your own goals and striving to achieve them!