Principal’s Update
Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanau, I would firstly like to sincerely thank you all for your support of the strike yesterday. We appreciate the juggling that you would have done for this. From the discussions I have had with parents we also know that you understand the reasons around getting better conditions to support learning for our students. So we will continue to work hard to get better resourcing, improved staffing to provide the best outcomes for tamariki who have been under-served for too long. The Minister said negotiations would begin again today.
This week was a wonderful week of experiences—School swimming sports, Science Roadshow, Chess Club, Seniors leaders running games, Bush School—these experiences all take organisation and as a small school we pride ourselves in giving a wide range of experiences to support a range of interests and to encourage Life-Long learners. So here’s to a great week and that we live in a democracy.
Meet the Teacher—Middle room—the term is getting away on us and now that the main road is back up and running we have secured a date for you to officially meet, if you haven’t already, or just a catch up with Travis.
Travis has made himself available from 5.30- 6.30pm on Wednesday 22nd March. BBQ sausages will be available.
If you need to meet any of our teachers please let them know and they will make time to do so. We are only an email or a call away.
Noho ra, Amanda and staff
All the Happenings
Bikes to school for Tryathlon training—20th March
Tryathlon—Thurs 23rd March—starting from 1pm—11/12 yrs will start soon after 1pm.
Assembly—Friday—week 8—24th March
School Photos—Tues—28th March
Junior Room camp—school overnighter—30th/31st March
Interschool Softball tournament—31st March
Last day Term 1—Thursday 6th April
Thanks for Monique, Jess Ridley, Tania (WEC) for getting our worm farm moved (to a cooler place), and up and running again. Thanks Ridley for sorting the layering system set up.
Seesaw—have you signed in to get Seesaw updates? This site is part of our reporting to parents. Teachers and students share learning on this site. The focus is usually around Inquiry/Topic learning and can include any curriculum area. Watch out for the login details in your inbox or please get in contact with your child's teacher if you are unsure.
Waitetuna Way
Well done, Lewis for showing, Respect
Celebrate your own and others success Show respect for myself and others (courtesy) Respect for our school equipment Show respect by actively listening to others Show respect for our environment
Na too manaaki, na tooku manaaki, ka puaawai mai nga kaakano
Together we are growing the seeds of success