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Newsletter - Week 7, Term 2 2022

Writer: AmandaAmanda

Principal’s Update

Mānawatia a Matariki: Celebrating Matariki

Matariki hunga nui Matariki, a time to come together Matariki ahunga nui Matariki, a time of bounty Matariki manako nui Matariki, a time of aspiration Across the country, communities are getting excited about the first ever celebration of Matariki as a public holiday. To mark the occasion we have our Matariki shared kai next Wednesday. We hope you or members of your whanau can join us. If you can provide your child with a plate of food for shared kai we would really appreciate that.

Matariki, including Puanga, have traditionally been celebrated with several important themes. These themes are:

Reflection: remembering loved ones who have passed on, especially within the past lunar year

Celebration: celebrating the bounty and blessings of the present

Aspiration: setting aspirations to ensure that bounty can continue long into the future, with a focus on environmental protection and regeneration.

Waikato Matariki Celebrations—The Matariki Ki Waikato Festival will take place from June 17 to July 17, with a packed programme of events across the region including market days in Raglan, Hamilton and Ngāruawāhia, a Kite Day at Hamilton Gardens on June 26 and a self-guided Star Walk Trail. L.A.B will be performing at Globox Arena on July 2, or head along to Whiti 2022, an open mic event where you can discover the region's up and coming stars. The festival culminates in a ‘Matariki in the City’ celebration at Hamilton Central Library on July 16, with kai, entertainment, and a hauora hub where you can enjoy a relaxing mirimiri

(traditional Māori healing technique). For more:

Support Staff Week—every year we acknowledge and thank our wonderful Support Staff who help support the school and the learning in many, many ways.

On behalf of the teachers I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge our wonderful support staff.

Vinaka Vakalevu to Lorna, Vicky, Jess, Jane, Amberlee, Liz, Jennie, Richard Tania and Lisa. We do appreciate all of the mahi these great people do to help our school.

And thanks to Jan-Marie for great learning sessions with integrating digital technologies.

We have been notified of one positive case of Covid today. The student has not been at school this week.

Ngaa mihi Amanda and Staff

All The Happenings

  • Matariki shared kai - Wed 22nd June—12.30pm

  • Matariki—public holiday— 24th June

  • Karioi Project visit to school—postponed due to staff shortages—Wednesday 29th June—pm

  • Thursday 30th June—Tough Guy/Gal challenge

  • Ki-o-rahi—Year 7 and 8’s—Friday 1st July

  • Disco– Friday 1st July TBC

  • Science Roadshow—Thursday 7th July—Senior Room

Action Stations—Looking to Lead

We continue to work closely with Jan-Marie Kellow to develop our skills across all aspects of digital technology and integration of this. Here is Ned and Ryder creating movie trailers advertising books. We want our students to be able to think and problem solve for themselves. When things aren’t working, then we ask “How can we solve it ourselves?”

Waitetuna Way

Well done Alister and Ben For Gratitude: Be reflective and thankful.

Together we are growing the seeds of success

Na tō manaaki, na tōku manaaki, ka puāwai mai nga kākano

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