Kia ora Waitetuna whanau,
School cross country Well the weather certainly was kind to us and it was great to be able to enjoy a school event together, even under certain restrictions. Thanks to the PTA for supplying each child with a sausage after the event.
Upcoming events National Young leaders day which was to be held at the Claudelands events centre has now been moved online. All the senior room students will be able to join the session on Tuesday morning and hear amazing motivational speakers and see Stan Walker perform. The Tough Guy/Gal event is set to go ahead on 10th September. A separate notice went out about that this week.
Waitetuna Way awards this week go to - Finn Bateman and Lenox Gee - very dedicated and showing confidence in all areas.
School Photos - Change of date Due to the Year 8’s heading away on our original set date. We only had one option for the date change due to Covid lockdown. Our school photos are now on Friday November 20th. COVID As I am writing this our Prime Minister may have confirmed that we will move out of level 2 on Sunday at 11.59pm. A move to level 1 will mean we can have a Friday assembly in week 9 - 18th September as originally planned. Just a reminder that even under Alert Level 1, we will adhere to the key health measures including:
Good hand hygiene and cough and sneeze etiquette
Making sure all children have a drink bottle as our drinking fountains are closed
Staying away if sick
Keeping the appropriate physical distance from others
Cleaning and disinfecting our high touch surfaces daily
Using the QR code posters at our entrances and making sure all of our community, that can do, download the NZ COVID Tracer App and use it if they come onsite.
Please otherwise sign a visitor register for anyone who cannot use the app and for any other visitors who come onsite for a period of time.
Face masks are optional
The QR code sign in does not require cell phone or internet access to work so we have generated a QR code tracer and have it on display on the office entrance door, on the sliding door of the junior room and on the door into the multi-purpose room. For those of you who might be finding things more difficult than usual, a reminder that there is a large range of support available for businesses and the community. We encourage you to go to the covid19.govt.nz for more information, or get in touch and we will help you to find the information and support you need. If a person is a close contact of a confirmed case, Health Officials will direct you and your family to self-isolate. Please let us know at school if this is the situation and the outcome of your test.
Kia Kaha, Amanda Nasilasila
Together we are growing the seeds of success Na tō manaaki, na tōku manaaki, ka puāwai mai nga kākano