Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanau,
It has been great welcoming the students back over the last two days. They are excited to be back with their classmates and enjoying lots of face to face new learning. It certainly shows how important schools are in capturing the development of social skills and relationships. But I read a great article during lockdown about play by Longworth education who are renowned for their learning through play inspirational educational research and
ideas. They discussed how play cannot be underestimated, so those times the kids were outside playing while you had to attend to your own work, are not opportunities to feel guilty or worried. It is a privilege and a pleasure to have all the students back. We look forward to the last three weeks together.
Thank you to the Macdonalds for the use of their paddocks for our School Cross country- our school event will now be held on Tuesday 28th September, races will start from 1pm with the 5 year olds.
Inter school speech competitions - the year 7 and 8 Waikato full primary regional competition will be going ahead during the week of the 20th September. Our year 7 and 8 students who want to be considered for this will be presenting their speeches next Wednesday. The Inter school speech competition is still going ahead at this
stage on Thursday 30th September. To select these representatives our school speech presentations will be going ahead in a class format now. Dates for these will be put out next week.
We are looking at rescheduling a Mihi Whakatau for our Evaluation partner, Lee Marchoni with ERO. I will let you know as soon as this date is confirmed.
Before lockdown it has been wonderful having Lisa working with some of our students investigating stories around cloaks(korowai). It is neat to see this learning evolving and there will be further sharing to come.
Hot dog lunch - learning support resources fundraising - $3.00 hot dog or $4 gluten free hot dog is booked in for next Thursday 16th September
Music lessons - the advertisement for this is again emailed out with this newsletter. It costs $207 for 10 lessons for group lessons and $379.50 per term for solo lessons. To start lessons at school you can contact the provider directly on the email or phone - separate advertisement provided. They will be starting next week on Thursday 16th September.
Harry's chemistry in the senior room before lockdown, looking at Carbon dioxide and solid, liquid and gases.
Covid information - a reminder please parents -
Public health advice below to be followed please when entering our school site, including:
Wash and dry your hands frequently, cough and sneeze into your elbow, do not touch your face
Wear a face covering where possible and maintain a two-metre distance from people
If you have cold, flu or COVID-19 symptoms stay at home and call Healthline or your GP
Be vigilant with scanning in – use the COVID-19 contact tracer app.
Have a great weekend.
Ngaa mihi
Amanda and staff