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Newsletter - Week 7, Term 3 2022

Writer: AmandaAmanda

Principal’s Update

Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanau, I hope your week has been as enjoyable as ours. The Seniors enjoyed an action packed three days away at Vertical Horizons camp in Inglewood and took in the Arts culture in New Plymouth. From high ropes to art appreciation to museum exhibits it was filled with wonderful experiences and memories that will be long lived. A massive shout out to the parents who were able to join us on this camp. What a great team! We know that education outside the classroom is valued at our school and this camp was able to provide our students with a great three days away. Challenge by choice was the camp’s motto and our students were able to challenge themselves and stretch themselves out of their comfort zone. I would like to also say a massive thank you to Whaea Ali for all the mahi and preparation that went into planning the camp. It truly is a massive undertaking ensuring that everything is considered and covered. I know we are all very grateful to you for this. Thank you Ali! Staff and students are working hard on their kapahaka festival performance which will be held on Fri 23rd Sept. This event is weather dependant, more information to come.

On Thursday our school was able to enjoy ‘Zebong’ a fantastic story teller who captured the elements of drama that we are supporting the students with in their learning this term. A reminder that on Thursday of week 10 the students will be sharing their own performances at school. Time of day will be confirmed as soon as possible.

Have a wonderful weekend. Ngaa mihi, Amanda

All The Happenings

  • Hotdogs—16th September

  • Board meeting—Tuesday 20th September

  • Waikato Full Primary Speeches Regional finalists—14th September—all the best to Lenox and Emma B at this event.

  • Waikato Full Primary Cross country—21st September P/P— 22nd Sept

  • Kapahaka Festival—Friday 23rd September

  • Class Presentations—Revue—Thursday—29th September

  • Term 4 Waitetuna School Ag day—Tues 18th Oct

  • Group day—Friday 21st October

  • Waikato Show—Friday 28th October

Waitetuna Way

Well done to Emma B & Kaia for having confidence: Being brave and taking risks.

Together we are growing the seeds of success

Na too manaaki, na tooku manaaki, ka puaawai mai nga kaakano



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