Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanau,
Our Kaumatua and Kuia - Atutahi and Rangiuia came to school on Monday to finally welcome our ERO partner Lee for us. We absolutely appreciated them coming in at late notice to be able to clear the way for Lee to truly become part of our Waitetuna team. The board met with Lee during the day. Next year the Evaluation team and the school will continue to work together on the journey around our evaluation focus.
We welcomed Manu and Tania from Whaingaroa Enviro Centre to share our journey around our school’s Environmental education learning and Community Foodbowl vision. They are very excited to see what our plans are and what has been started and built on. They are going to support us with planning of the summer vege gardens, watering systems and next year get new composting systems up and running.
Gingerbread making in the junior room
Thanks Whaea Brenda and Whaea Robyn for the delicious gingerbread men.
Jan-Marie Kellow - on Wednesday the school had our last session for the year with Whaea Jan-Marie, continuing to develop our rapidly developing digital technology skills. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Jan-Marie for her mahi with us this year. The teachers and students all absolutely love your sessions. Next year the teachers will start leading these sessions and Jan-Marie will be in more of a support role.
Transitioning students is an important process. It ensures that our students head into the summer holidays knowing and feeling at ease about their new learning space. This is especially true for students going into a new class! If your child is moving into the middle or senior room next year they will get to enjoy some time with their new teacher and class on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week.
Vaccination mandate and school trips - thank you to parents who have already shared their vaccination passport with us. If you want to attend any school trips of camps then this is a ministry requirement.
Traffic light system and schools
In last week’s newsletter, I began to discuss the new Health Order updates and the implications for schools throughout New Zealand. In the last couple of days, I have received information about the CPF (Covid Protection Framework) which we commonly call the traffic lights. For the remainder of this year, our school will continue under Level 2 guidelines (even when Waikato transfers to the orange light.) We will start the new year under the
appropriate traffic light. On the following page is a summary. Please just see this as a starting point. Although it does summarise well, there will be much more information coming out. On Monday I sent through an email about the traffic light system and brief detail on implications for schools. The mask mandate at red is the only significant adjustment of note. The rest of the things required, already happen.
Inter school events may continue to be a challenge unless we go green in February. We will continue to keep you informed.
Drone - a drone will be used at school on Monday 13th December as part of planning for additional property work the ministry has planned for small/remote rural schools.
Reporting to Parents - reminder The Ministry of Education requires schools to report to parents on their child's learning in writing twice yearly. Due to the time spent at home, our usual reporting methods for assessing your child have not been able to go
ahead, and with only 4 weeks to go teachers and I have planned an alternative way of reporting. This adjusted format for this term still reflects the students learning across the New Zealand curriculum but with a key competencies report. We have been working on a report which acknowledges students achievements and their ability to demonstrate the key competencies. Due to the time spent at home the board and staff wanted to give
parents the opportunity to share their thoughts. You should have received an email from me about this and you can email myself or your child's teacher your thoughts about your child's learning and we will include this in your child's report. Please can you get these comments to us by the morning of Tuesday 7th December.
End of year dates
Water fun day - Thursday 9th December
Friday lunch - American hot dogs - 10th December
Final assembly for senior room - Tuesday 14th December - 6.00pm - Remember this event is for Senior room students, their siblings and parents. We will be having this event outside, hopefully the weather is kind to us.
Wednesday 15th December - DONUTS - Vanilla Glaze or Cinnamon Sugar - PRE-SALES - $3 each. Special last week treat. Orders must be in by Monday morning of the 13th December.
Reports go home - Wednesday 15th December
Last day of the year - Friday 17th December - school closes at 1pm
Raffle - we have until Wednesday 15th December to sell tickets - at $10 a ticket or 3 for $25 - these tickets are a great Christmas gift. There is no obligation to sell and please just do what you can. If you have a device to access the spreadsheet that was emailed to you from the Waitetuna office email you will then be able to record names and numbers of tickets purchased. You can then return money and spreadsheet to the PTA email.
pta@waitetuna.school.nz PTA account number is 03 1563 0071376 000
Thanks from the PTA and it's of course all for a good cause - the great kids of Waitetuna school.
Term 1
Thursday 3rd Feb (100 half days)
Thursday 14th April: School is closed on Easter Friday 15/04
Term 2
Mon 2nd May (96 half days)
Friday 8th July: (9 weeks 4 days) School is closed Mon 06/06 during school time because of Queen’s Birthday public holiday and Matariki Friday 24/06
Term 3
Mon 25th July (100 half days)
Friday 30th September: (10 weeks) No public holidays during Term 3.
Term 4 Mon 17 Oct ( 88 half days )
Friday 16th December School closed 24th October - Labour Day
Have a great weekend.
Ngaa mihi
Amanda and staff