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Newsletter - Week 7, Term 4 2022

Writer: AmandaAmanda

Principal’s Update

Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanau,

I hope you have had a ka pai week. We have two weeks left of 2022 and the students are enjoying a wide range of activities. My Leadership League Year 8 students and I have been meeting to prepare for their final assembly. We hope you can all attend this assembly on 14th December at 6pm. Please bring along a plate of food for shared kai for after this assembly. The Year 8s have also been part of Exit interviews where they share with me what they have enjoyed about their time at Waitetuna School and anything they would like to see included for students coming through. It is wonderful to hear them talk about the small country school vibe of our school, how they know every-one and how everyone gets looked after by all the teachers and staff at Waitetuna School. They talked about the strong values of confidence, respect and determination, being values that are long lasting for them. We look forward to acknowledging their contribution to our school on the 14th December.

Attendance data

On your child’s report you will see their attendance at school for the year as a percentage. You will have heard about attendance rates being low in the Waikato and across the country. As a school we want to support all of our children to be at school 90% or more. We know that many things can affect attendance, from illness and trips away to see family in term time all impacting attendance. If we are all aware of the importance of attendance and are telling our students the same message then children know this is essential and not-negotiable about attending school. We are here to support you with this message in any way we can. Let us know if we can help and we will frame/plan a positive attendance message for your child moving into 2023.

Transition into classrooms for 2023

By now your child knows if they are moving into the Middle or the Senior room next year. The staff at Waitetuna School are doing a superb job with supporting our students with transitions into their rooms for next year. They have already had a number of visits and this week they worked in their classroom for 2023 on multiple occasions. We know this will set them up for success for 2023.


Teachers and Principals Union—our union held Paid Union Meetings around the country over the last week. Our contracts have expired and it is unknown if negotiations will continue before the end of this year. Our contract negotiations evolve around conditions for learning which improve outcomes for your students. We may need your support with this in Term 1 of 2023.

Term dates 2023

An addition to be aware of—Many schools have noted that Monday 24th April is the return to school date for Term 2. With Tuesday 25th April being Anzac day the board has approved for staff to use this day as a Staff Professional Learning day. School will remain open for supervision should you require. Ngā mihi maioha, Kia pai ō rā whakatā Have a great weekend Thank you with appreciation, Amanda and staff.

Upcoming events for the last two weeks of term 4, 2022

  • Board Meeting—6th December

  • Nachos—Friday lunch—9th Dec, gluten free and vegetarian available

  • Junior Room—picnic– 13th Dec

  • Final assembly—Wed 14th December—6pm—whole school event– shared kai after the event, please bring a plate.

  • Last day of 2022—Friday 16th—finish at 1pm After School Care will not be available on Friday 16th Dec

Term Dates 2023

We have RAT tests available at school, if you need any please let the office know.

Term Dates—2023—a reminder

  • Term 1 Thursday 2nd Feb to Thursday 6th April (Waitangi Day Monday 6 February, and Easter: Good Friday– 7th April)

  • Term 2 Monday 24th April to Friday 30th June (Anzac Day – Tuesday 25 April and Queen’s Birthday – Monday 5 June )

  • Monday 24th April school is open but teachers will be participating in Professional Learning and a reliever will be covering.

  • Term 3 Monday 17th July to Friday 22nd September

  • Term 4 Monday 9th October to Monday 18th December (Labour Day – Monday 23 October)

Te Reo Maaori phrases

Meri Kirihimete—Merry Christmas

Kia ora rā e hoa—Hi/greetings friend

Ahiahi mārie—Good afternoon, good evening

Pō mārie—Good night (peaceful night)

Waitetuna Way - Well done to Navaeh and Will for celebrating your own and others success

Together we are growing the seeds of success

Na too manaaki, na tooku manaaki, ka puawai mai nga kaakano



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