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Newsletter - Week 8, Term 1

Writer: AmandaAmanda

Tryathlon action Waitetuna Way - Our tryathlon this week was a great example of our school values in action. Students showed Determination to practice and persist and build Confidence and Respect for themselves and others. They had to show Creativity in their planning and Gratitude for the event. They showed Aroha (Friendship), encouraging others and huge Self control to complete the event and reach the goals they had set for themselves. Parents, we thank you for your support with this event. It is such a highlight for the students on our sporting calendar. Students have already told me they are looking forward to this next Well done to all of our students for their amazing effort. Thanks to staff for their organisation.

Cyber Safety - we welcomed Jess and Linda from the New Zealand police who worked with the Senior room students on how to keep safe online and to ensure they understand what

cyberbullying is and how to prevent this. There are unfortunately concerning statistics about this. This links also to the importance of being able to talk about our mental health and share if we are feeling down or are worried about something. It was a great session.

These are in brief some important points from the session the Senior room had. Then parents can reinforce these messages. From Netsafe and the Police - around Cyber Safety -

  • Never respond to harassing or rude comments.

  • Save or print the evidence.

  • Talk to your parents or guardian if you are harassed; get help reporting this to your ISP, school, or local law enforcement.

  • Respect others online.

  • Only share your password with your parent or guardian.

  • Change your passwords often.

  • Password protect your cell phone.

  • Use privacy settings to block unwanted messages.

  • Think before posting or sending photos – they could be used to hurt you.

  • Contact the site administrator if someone creates a social networking page in your name.

  • T.H.I.N.K acronym - This is helpful for children whether online or in person.

These are all examples of our Waitetuna School health curriculum in action. The Board and staff appreciated your thoughts on our Health curriculum consultation. Here is a brief summary - As a school community all of the aspects included in “Mental Health” were deemed as ‘very important’ by 94% of you. Cyber safety being an important focus for seniors this term but is addressed during the year including how to protect themselves online. Keeping ourselves safe will be covered in term 3 and will be every 2-3 years.

Sexualty education was deemed important by 75% of families, less important by 25% families. Teachers will use some of the new Ministry of Education resources to support this. Puberty lessons in Life Education were considered sufficient by 68% of families surveyed. We have contacted Life Education to see if they can visit us every year. Having lessons on Sexuality Education with the focus around pubertal change will be covered with the students yearly. Parents will be given the option for their child to be withdrawn from this programme if you should choose to do so.

The Food and Nutrition, Sports Studies elements of the survey had a real cross section. These will be touched on but not given any increased focus in our school curriculum.

Waitetuna Way this week goes to - Chloe and Ryder - for your amazing determination in all you do - especially with the tryathlon.

NUT ALLERGY - Please note parents that from the 11th May we will have a student who has a nut allergy. The junior room is going nut free from this date please. Packaged food that says “Is processed in a factory” or “May contain traces of nuts” - these packets are ok but whole nuts or nut bars of any kind will not be allowed.

I am taking the Year 7 and 8 students to a special Leadership day next Thursday run by the Waikato Institute of Leadership and Sports Studies. A notice has gone home about this.

BOOK AMNESTY - if you could please look at home for any Waitetuna School books as we would really appreciate these being returned.

There will be no newsletter next week due to week 9 being a short week.

Have a wonderful Easter break. See you on Wednesday. Remember Tuesday is a holiday for schools.

Ngaa mihi nui,

Amanda and staff



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