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Newsletter - Week 8 Term 1

Writer: AmandaAmanda

Updated: Mar 30, 2022

Principal’s Update

Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanau,

Surfing at Ngarunui beach—the Senior class had a fun morning on Monday surfing with the instructors from Greenwave Surfing. They have offered us two more sessions. We look forward to these. We also braved the elements and went ahead with the triathlon. It was amazing to see all of the students do their very best.

The students gave me feedback on what the think our strengths as a school are—these include:” teamwork, friendship, kindness, leadership—adults role modelling, and then letting us kids lead, developing con-fidence by giving eve-ryone a go, lots of different ways to build students confidence across the school, pushing us just right to do your best, work hard and try to achieve our goals, helping each other with our work and in sport, showing respect, respecting each other and showing aroha”. Thank you to the families and the board who have also shared our school strengths. We are putting these together to create our School Profile report after working with our ERO evaluation partner for almost a year. This is part of their new review cycle. ERO will continue to support us on our journey to achieve our school strategic and annual goals.

With the announcement of the vaccine mandate being lifted we are still working through details of how the removal of the vac-cination mandate will impact schools. The Ministry of Education are planning more information and support to schools with this. I will share further once the Board has met about these and then we can share the implications of these changes. We have had 4 cases of Covid this week.

Have a wonderful week.

Ngaa mihi nui Amanda and staff

Action Stations

Tryathlon Action—with determination being our current school value focus it is very fitting that the Tryathlon was held during this time. The students showed a-ma-zing determination and it was great to see parents showing their support. Thanks for coming along.

Dates to remember

  • School Swimming Pool will be closed from today.

  • School Photos—29th March 11.30 start

  • Surfing Senior Room—Wed 30th March and Wed 6th April

  • Last day of Term 1—Thursday 14th April

Waitetuna Way

Well done to Jackson Klee & Canyon Overton for Determination Setting your own goals and striving to achieve them!



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