Principal’s Update
Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanau,
Matariki shared kai—thanks to those whanau who could join us on Wednesday. It was wonderful to get together and be able to share in some of the children’s mahi. It is a special event now on our school calendar. And what a wonderful range of activities planned for locally—See events on page 2 of the newsletter. Aramiro Paa Kaumatua speaking at Matariki—thanking our tamariki.
Matariki holds many meanings throughout Aotearoa and across the world, and learning about it gives us an opportunity to explore and strengthen our local identities. We aim to protect the deep history of Matariki, including local variations and narratives and celebrate our cultural diversity.
Mid year reports—these will come home with children on the last Friday of this term. The mid-year report shares curriculum learning levels and the blue boxes shows the desired goal post for your child at the end of the school year. The report will also summarise the first half of the year for your child reflected in the teacher comment. Finally, the report will show you as a parent, how your child shows/displays our school core values. Our teachers are currently completing school wide learning assessments which provide us with a current snapshot of your child’s attainment and next learn-ing steps. This report is complemented with learning conferences in week 3 of next term. Reporting to parents also includes sharing of learning on Seesaw and Google classroom.
I was at a NZ Principals Federation hui on Monday and heard of ways that the Ministry will be supporting schools with the Curriculum Refresh. The Ministry will be investing in further professional development and resources. The NZ Curriculum refresh is incorporating Key Concepts and Key Themes that will support all students to be successful and learn. We are already in this waka as a school and our local curriculum journey keeps our students needs and their learning at the forefront of everything we do. It is very promising to hear the Ministry celebrate and acknowledge the wonderful communities and individual school identities we all have.
Peace Run—on the Friday of week 1 we have a group of runners coming through Waitetuna to celebrate Peace and Friendship Day. Some students will have works of art displayed at the Raglan library or in a number of Raglan businesses. The Peace Run will be running down Waitetuna Valley Road. Would your children like to join them? Around 8.40am running from 266A Waitetuna Valley Road. Let me know if this is something you think your child would like to participate in. See further information in the Happenings section below . Te Reo Maaori language course opportunity—please see more info on page 2 and the attached information.
Disco—all set to go for Friday the 1st July. Have a wonderful Matariki long weekend.
Ngaa mihi Amanda and staff
All The Happenings
Voyaging by the Stars—Monday 27th—Raglan Area School—10.30 departure from Waitetuna
Karioi Project visit to school—Wednesday 29th June—pm
Thursday 30th June—Tough Guy/Gal challenge
Ki-o-rahi—Year 7 and 8’s—Friday 1st July
Science Roadshow—Thursday 7th July—Senior Room
Peace Run—Friday 29th July—first week – term 3
We have been offered this wonderful opportunity to learn Te Reo Maaori. This is open to community members as well as staff. If you enrol and complete the course the school receives $500. Wow—learn Te Reo Maaori and donate to the school!
If you have any questions please email me.
Additional information attached.
Te Reo Maaori phrase of the week
Tikina to pouaka kai—Get your lunchbox
Waitetuna Way
Waitetuna Way goes to our Support Staff— Nga mihi nui
Together we are growing the seeds of success
Na tō manaaki, na tōku manaaki, ka puāwai mai nga kākano