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Newsletter - Week 8, Term 3 2022

Writer: AmandaAmanda

Principal’s Update

Kia ora Waitetuna Whaanau,


As part of our school’s Living Curriculum our Senior students work with Jon Thompson from Rentokil (part sponsors) to eco-source seeds and seedlings from local areas and then nurture them in our greenhouse. These native seedlings are then planted in a range of local areas in the Waitetuna Valley. Ngaa mihi nui to Jon, Richard, Bill Carlson for support with this mahi. And big thanks to Mike Moss for being a judge at the Speech competitions.

Celebrating Te Wiki o te Reo Maaori

We have been highlighting one of New Zealand’s official languages this wiki. 50 Rima tekau (50) tau (years) of revitalisation of Te Reo Maaori. We have spoken about Te Reo Maaori being a taonga (special) to Aotearoa New Zealand as it is unique to us. It is positive to see and hear more Te Reo Maaori use. Here are some phrases you could use:

Ka tika. That’s right. True.

Kua reri? Ready?

Me tiimata taatou? Shall we start?

Kuua maarama? Understood?

Me haere tatou. Come back

Next Friday is our Western Cluster Kapaha-ka festival event at Rotokauri School.

We have an approximate time for our school performance, 10.30am is the time our school is expected to perform. Kia pai tō rā whakatā! Have a nice weekend.

All The Happenings

  • Board meeting—Tuesday 20th September

  • Kapahaka Festival—Friday 23rd September

  • Public Holiday—Monday 26th October—Queen Elizabeth II Memorial Day. This will mean that schools will be closed for instruction that day.

  • Class Presentations—Revue— Thursday—29th September - 2.00pm start.

  • Term 4 Waitetuna School Ag Day—Tues 18th Oct

  • Group day—Friday 21st October

  • Waikato Show—Friday 28th October

  • Waitetuna Trail Run—Saturday 19th November

Action Stations

Congratulations to Emma Berejoni and Lenox Gee who representated our school at the Waikato full Regional Primary Speeches and to Lenox who came second. He is now representing Waitetuna at the final at Ohaupo school on Wednesday next week. He is competing in a competition that has representation of all Full Primary schools in the Waikato. Ka Rawe!

Property News

We are hoping for some fine weather so that the hobbit hill work can be done and the concrete can be fixed outside our accessibility toilet. I have been working with the ministry and unfortunately these jobs are not been done in a timely fashion. I have expressed my concern about this to the Ministry. Staffing issues have plagued many organisations this winter.

Covid Update

Before I summarise the changes to schools I thought I would take the opportunity to thank you. Throughout it all —changes, cancellations, numerous updates, emails and announcements—our school stayed strong. Unfortunately we may not be done with covid but hopefully the significant disruptions and learning from home may be a thing of the past. Lastly, I want to the thank the staff for working alongside me as we moved from level to level and traffic light settings.

Here is the latest summary from the Ministry—Positive cases continue to isolate for 7 days. House hold contacts no longer need to isolate for 7 days, however closely monitoring for symptoms and testing is necessary.

Masks are no longer strongly recommended. Individuals will continue to be supported if they choose to do so.

We will continue to follow other guidelines that help to keep all illnesses at bay—hand washing, careful cleaning and good ventilation. You will notice we continue to hold events outside as often as we can.

RAT tests—we have some RAT tests at school if you require some.

It is very fitting that in Te Wiki O Te Reo Maori our tamariki have been practising daily for the Kapa Haka festival.

Waitetuna Way

Well done to Anitha & Jethro for having confidence: Being brave and taking risks.

Together we are growing the seeds of success

Na too manaaki, na tooku manaaki, ka puawai mai nga kaakano



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